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Everything posted by leegreen

  1. Died of pnuemonia 59 years old
  2. selling everything and buying a big gun to go round and perform a mass cull on people who ask daft questions Seemed like a perfectly reasonable question, but If you need a big gun that is a perfectly reasonable answer. Or are you getting rid because they are rubbish. Good luck with your clear out. the reason for "pm genuine interest" was so that someone who was genuinely interested would be able to pm me and get a contact number, all the info on the dogs would then be given and persons who no a bit about this breed could then decide if they wanted dogs off this particular line, also
  3. Whats with the red, gold and green nets and ting ?
  4. selling everything and buying a big gun to go round and perform a mass cull on people who ask daft questions Seemed like a perfectly reasonable question, but If you need a big gun that is a perfectly reasonable answer. Or are you getting rid because they are rubbish. Good luck with your clear out. the reason for "pm genuine interest" was so that someone who was genuinely interested would be able to pm me and get a contact number, all the info on the dogs would then be given and persons who no a bit about this breed could then decide if they wanted dogs off this particular line, also
  5. selling everything and buying a big gun to go round and perform a mass cull on people who ask daft questions Seemed like a perfectly reasonable question, but If you need a big gun that is a perfectly reasonable answer. Or are you getting rid because they are rubbish. Good luck with your clear out.
  6. give them some type of meal sound like they need a little fibre
  7. my brother is a self made millionaire by ripping people off and treading on anyone in his way (including his own mother) me ....... i have morals hence why i live in my 3 bed and struggle every month , we probably qualify for loads of benefits but we will not take anything .wheres the justice? feck this country . Yes but you have self worth and you are probably given respect and certainly if you have children they have someone to look up to and that is priceless.
  8. actually I run and own a fly fishery and get up when I please , john the slacker.
  9. What a rubbish answer, you said you couldn't go to work as you didn't have enough time because your out with the dogs all the time. I said that is something not to brag about, so who keeps you then and that was your answer ? If your well enough to go out with the dogs all day your certainly not sick are you? you slacker.
  10. Exactly what I am saying
  11. Not a thing to brag about, who pays for your keep then ?
  12. £200 pound for a hard days graft, do you meen a week. Because if its a day pm me.
  13. If it was so fecking Great why do we need to employ immigrants in the first place, I tell you why because because the lazy lay abouts British Citizens sit on their arses thinking their too good to do low paid jobs leave a window of opertunity open to immigrants willing to work and work hard there for slowly closing that window. Its happened befor and every one said the same then, get over it son and do Your best at making this country Great.
  14. Maybe he thought they were dangerous with their long sharp pointy pointy beaks
  15. looks like a surgecly removed fanny of a tree only joking its a pupa of some kind
  16. Hello Little Lurcher hows your dogs neck ?
  17. I use hay in sleeping compartment and if there is too much they will drag it out, use wood chips for play/shite areas very cheap £5-6 a bale lasts ages, very absorbant and easy to change.
  18. When you say locate the tiolet, will you have to plumb it in?
  19. Yes they should be tought to not do that. I have a Bull/Greyhound pup that tryed something like that over a pigeon leg it only done it once, didn't have to tell it of much, they learn quickly. Now if that full grown Bull dog did that to me I would have kicked it so fu-king hard the fecking mutant c--t, I certainly wouldnt be laughing.
  20. That was boll--ks I thought I was going to get some recipies.
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