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Everything posted by leegreen

  1. Cut back on your dogs food it is probably getting rid of unwanted food (the dog is not lossing weight is it). It is also likely your dog is clearing itself ready to run. Have you changed your dogs food recently. Tripe makes my dogs turds like bullets, real good for cleaning up.
  2. I did my pup the other day, one bottle has a hard tablet shaped thing and the other liquid. Put the liquid in the other bottle shake and administer the mix. Sorry didn't log the name.
  3. Looks like a Greyhound with Corgi ears stuck on
  4. I'm not sure if sheep have the same worms as dogs, but I have often wondered about panacure for sheep. It would be nice to know.
  5. Maybe you should use something slow with less brain, give them rabbits a chance No seriously I'd use something of similar breeding try and get some sort of consistancy going but I must say I like something with a bit of coat.
  6. She doesn't get a lot of cereal feed, mainly meat and some veg. I am a bit sceptical on the whole homoeopathy ting but I will keep an open mind as I don't have any thing else at the mo. The vet said I just have to let it take its course and wait for it to dry up naturaly but she seems real peed off, depressed like. I am also looking to have a litter from her before she is neutered as the last pups are good strong athletic dogs with sound steady temprements and I have homes for more because of their history, reference etc.
  7. My Presa bitch is producing milk and I would like to know if there is a way to help rid her of this problem. She produces milk around birth time after her season, she does this every season, I am now concerned it will cause some problems, mastitus etc.
  8. Try the meat diet for a while a couple of months and try to keep her cool especially bed area.The pet shop will have wheat free meal.good luck Lee
  9. What the feck is that in the bottom left hnd corner of your hutch!
  10. Silky smooth eh . It could well be hormonal, is she kept indoors? But as I said Bull breeds are renown for skin complaints. Did she have much of a coat before?
  11. Sounds like he will make some good dogs, but i would certainly go fo a taller bitch as you will lose some size in the cross. The non-ped Whippet is the way to go. It will make a more all round dog. Don't worry about the size of your dog for mating. An associate of mine accually picks his dog up and holds it till its tied, it is a 17tts whippet and he puts it across track Greyhounds. A 21tts dog should easily get a cross a 23 24 25 or 26tts bitch with a platform of some type.
  12. Wheat allergy, Bull breeds are always suffering from skin complaints. Worst breeds I have known for it. What makes you think wheat? Wheat is in most dry dog food and it has been a problem in 3 bull breeds I have known. They changed there food to a mainly meat diet and non wheat meal mix done the trick. Central heating can be a problem as well, both these things can start of itching. I have used anti histamines to stop dogs from scratching that works untill you get the problem under control.
  13. I know of a litter of Whippet/Greyhounds they will be very fast out of a non-ped racing camp in the south east, I am having one. Ready in three weeks pm me if interested. Also how steady is your dog will it suffer loud noises, strangers etc and have you got some pics. where are you?
  14. Wheat allergy, Bull breeds are always suffering from skin complaints. Worst breeds I have known for it.
  15. My Wheaten bitch was rehomed at the age of seven after she broke my new Presas puppys jaw,he was 4 months old and didn't have an ounce of dog agression in him. I also didnt have any time and work for her and we had a small child she kept giving the eye so Sorry I forgot to say she hated people as well, caught seven people in one day, not badly but still a record.
  16. The clips are just tool clips and not for climbing, there not safe enough for climbing too easily unhooked.Have you not tryed the Dog Whisperer DS
  17. or maybe a boneing knife, I think a filleting knife is for fish.
  18. I had a Wheaten bitch about five years ago and she would fight with adult terriers when she still had her puppy teeth a real fecking loon. What a liability it turned out to be, good old Wheatens. So I dought if its the Wheaten in your bitch that makes it submisive around other dogs, but this doesnt mean she is not ready to go. 16 months this bitch should be flying. good luck Lee
  19. Gold Finches nest in a tree next to my shop and they always nest in a small tight fork, a nest made of my goats hair and wool with some moss, very pretty little nests. And yeh I dont think they nest in boxes. sharmon
  20. water bottles on the outside of the cage, never had a problem. I'm sure if they were given the choice, but I don't give them a choice. Hay or barley straw in the bed, wood chip in runs. Hay about £1.50 a bale, wood chips £5 a bale, lasts ages yc.
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