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Everything posted by leegreen

  1. I all ways thought tripe was a great food, not on its own but a good staple diet and I still will do unless someone tells me different, other than the water ting because I always had the thinking that if an animal were to catch large game it would always favor the offal. Lee
  2. Yep crane fly.Its what the starlings are after on your lawn.when they dig their beaks in it. Nope not a Crane fly larve (leather jacket). Possible beetle larve.
  3. Hello mate, I've got a 3 hp tiller briggs & stratton engine starts on the button very good condition needs a drive belt, I think its about £8. I want £70 for it and I am in Kent PM me with phone number I phone you straight away, its free for me.
  4. Hello Socks how much water has say....beef or chicken have in it then. Because I feed my dogs mainly tripe with some complete and it has always performed very well for me. Not to say they dont get whole carcases for time and at the moment day old chicks for the pups as well. I always thought tripe or offal was the most prized by preditors, I know it contains lots of fat.
  5. Do you mean breaking him to stock. Because if you mean training him with sheep as you said I dont think he would be able to retreve a whole one . But if you want to break him to live stock take him out as soon as he has had his jabs, it is good to get him used to live stock as soon as possible. My new Bull x is fine with my sheep, goat and ferrets and she is only 14 weeks. Good luck.
  6. Nice box, wouldn't want it dropped on my foot.
  7. might be a bit more expensive as i might have to buy a pair to get the pockets i could also put lg on them with some sequins Excellent
  8. I remember a Borzoi x Greyhound at a few shows back in the mid eighties but that is about it I'm affraid. Oh and it was sort of a red colour.
  9. Fecking brill, I'd love to take that to my sons Head Mistress.
  10. Feck you'll have to wait a long time, have you ever been to Blitey in February Clinton
  11. What one S? The one in Battersea Why. I dont live a million miles away, well about fifty There are 3 or 4 you clever c**t!! I knew I was right, but I'm not such a clever c**t because I didn't know there was 3 or 4 or maybe 5 or 6 . Any way it was the thought that counts.
  12. Ask Markbrick1, I'm not sure how much the postage will be
  13. Barbque paint from B&Q thats what I use, but why don't you bring the rabbit indoors to defrost?
  14. Fecking bas-ards, a break in and a stolen dog what ever next.
  15. Raw every thing fish, rabbits(heads and feet on), tripe, chickens, pigeons etc etc.
  16. I know it was a bit naughty but that was quite a funny PM, not being on the receiving end of it and your reply was most amusing too, well done Moley
  17. only works if the leak is not in a flexable place
  18. Old wifes tales I think they are called, the one about the Jackdaw I have heard but the one about the rat, no. I think the are both very cruel and a load of bo--cks. I'm sure if you kept a Jackdaw long enough so its poor tounge healed after you had brutalised it, it would probably learn how to talk anyway
  19. Alright Spep1, rats are noturiously hard to catch, clever feckers. They are easier to catch near populated areas as apposed to the countryside as they are not so wary but try and set traps near where you know they are feeding. They like lots of things but I found meat stuffs are good and peanut butter has worked well but now I am in the countryside the best I have had work is sunflower hearts and placed near my bird feeders. And to be honest the most I have caught is with an empty trap (the multi live trap) they go in there just out of curiosity. I set a trap yesterday (a live single catch tra
  20. Hello people, you better hurry up Mark as we have already seen them pairing up.
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