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Everything posted by leegreen

  1. Feck me OCS you've got some choice there
  2. Bruise, nerve or even chipped bone or joint cartledge. Maybe.
  3. Inferiority complex.......................................................only kidding
  4. Mole hills grow weeds mainly because they make a perfect seed base and get a good deal of light aswell.
  5. Lovely Ditch, I'll show you mine when I work out how. Is that a big pile of poo in the first one
  6. Mad Mouse you look like you have done a few disco bisquits and found some Andrex puppies. No offence but it did make me chuckle.
  7. Not black, bit of Collie otherwise exactly what your after fecking class. Nice dogs though they look as if they would make more than a 3/8 cross the broken coated thing looks real nice. What exactly is what?
  8. I thought Otis was ok, before he was Master he was at the Middleton, Yorks, one of my local hunts, he was whipper in, and Knackers man, he came, shot and took away a bullock with a broken leg, decent lad ! That was jolly decent of him. If anyone in the Kent area has a bullock with a broken anything that needs shooting pm me I have an empty couple of freezers.
  9. A nice pair of mole skin pants mmmmmmmmmmmmmm
  10. Done a bit myself in Tobago. You just need an average 7# set up salt, waterproof reel and tan or light blue line but I think its a bit late for that now. The best advice I can give is get youself guide, someone with a bit of back ground and maybe some references. The sea is a big place get someone who nows where the fish are. Let me know how you get on, be lucky........Lee
  11. The man has got two pups out of same litter and has decided to keep one and is selling one
  12. I have a Bull/Greyhound pup 17 weeks old and it caught a starter the other day while walking the dogs. I must say it got up about three feet from her and ran across her path. Although she is mature for her age I will not be running her untill next season, 10 months or more. She has also grabbed rats that the other dogs have crunched. I am also wary of this but she is so game its hard to stop.
  13. Nice looking little bitch. Her handle is a bit short.
  14. TRY CLICKING ON THE ONE WITH THE BABY WHO CATCHES A COBRA FECKING MENTAL, DEFINATELY BRED FOR THE JOB Yes I'm not sure if that is cruel to the baby or snake. By the way the snake has had it's teeth removed.
  15. I have recently brought a Non-ped Whippet from the "Spirit of the Stag" camp. She is 11 weeks old and she sits, stays, understands box, she retreves to hand, is toilet trained indoors, even though she lives outside, recall is great and she is as game as(not hard as) my Bull/Greyhound pup at the moment who is 17 weeks old. So dumb I think not but as for stamina she will probably not be great but I dont think she will need to run that far to catch her prey and given enough breather inbetween runs I'll think she will be OK. All in all I think a good cross for your Saluki x, good luck.
  16. Thanks for the help everyone I will pester you all soon
  17. Slugs love the dogs shit when they eat dryed food, seen loads in my old place eating the poo(at night). Thats what the slugs were probably after the dryed food or the poo. Slugs can get in any where and if there is a lack of food about a short climb or squeeze into a hutch and bingo you ferret is eating MEAT.
  18. leegreen

    terrier song

    I tryed to sing it but couldn't get the tune
  19. I love it when they get certain terms wrong, like when that spoof series was on Brass eye
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