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Everything posted by leegreen

  1. Traveling is no object but surely you want a dog/pup out of something with some known history and dogs you know. Saying that I recently done over a few hundred miles and brought a pup using my knowledge/instinct and no history but what a cracking bitch she is turning out to be. All depends on how much you want it.
  2. Does your Whippet take trout by night.
  3. 9mm shot guns are known as "Garden guns", used for rats and problem birds at close range.
  4. I think its only usefull if your bitch has milk. I must say I didn't use it, I had a new puppy Whippet/Greyhound and my bitch fed it and they dried up naturaly. Amen. yc
  5. No but I think his Misses might be upset or are you left handed.
  6. Thanks for the interest, this dog has now found a sensible home. Watch out the dog thieves.
  7. Scissor bite is best. A dog gets a lot better grip with a nice tight over bite. I have never seen a dog with a tight underbite, they have always been under shot leaving a gap between bottom and top teeth. Not to say they aren't any good I just consider under shot jaws to be less effective ie grip but I would say the same for over shot jaws that are not tight in bite yc.
  8. Pups, Dog and Bitch look good. though what ever their story. Think the boys are a bit concerned about the " Hello everyone, do you want to buy a dawg" intro or "I'm here to sell a dog" intro. Anyway what size are the parents, not that I'm looking to buy one, just think there both quite smart.
  9. Is your bitch chipped or insured?
  10. My patterdale dog got out of pen awhile back and got into neighbours back garden,caught her cat under her shed and killed it.she was none to happy about it.Iapoligised to her.Itold her id get her anew one.She said she knew someone with kittens and would pick one up.I ofered to pay for its jabs and she was pleased with this so, a happy ending.hope this one dosnt end up as dessert. I apologised to her, I told her I'd get her a new one
  11. If she does call the police, if its the first time then your dog/dogs may receive a criminal record but if its the second or third then the stakes become a little higher. This is all covered by the dangerous dogs act.
  12. i keep weasels bud they wont eat moles. mine wont anyway You keep Weasels? please tell me more
  13. I've had some greedy dogs but the 90lb Presa bitch I have at the mo is the best I've had at being greedy. She can swollow halve a rabbit after a few crunches and positioning it. Even she turns her nose up at moles. Never tried the ferrets with them. I think carnavores in general are a bit crap.
  14. There is no pic, herd you misses has a big ginger one
  15. Very tidy little dog, is she fast enough? I have a similar 3/8 5/8 Bull/Greyhound 4 1/2 months 19-20tts and weighs 26lb. Great prospect, hunts already!
  16. He reached in and queezed its heart, I think. They try not to lose the blood. They eat every ting.
  17. I have permenant traps and only bait them from time to time. I have had the same problem with rats digging under, find something solid to put it on. I have a permenant trap underneath my bird feeders(a funneled multi trap) and I never bait it and the occational inquizative rat goes in. I have a 17 week old bull x that hunts rats.
  18. Just what I like to see a Bull/Greyhound and a moto bike in the living room brilliant. nice dogs like the first one best.
  19. if you are going kill a animal for FECK SAKE kill it Humanely with a [ Bullet], not cutting its FECKIN throat while its still alive what ever the animal Cutting somethings throat while it is still alive is a lot less stressfull than being chewed by a dog while still alive, its the time and stress before it has its throat cut that is important, as said before animal wellfare is the main factor in producing meat. Peace and Love and good food
  20. There are such things as muti-purpose birds. Egg layers come eating birds. Never had any myself but I looked into them once. I just stick to hybred layers as I get them POL from a man that runs an egg farm....cheap! cheap get it.
  21. Everyone has forgot to mention that dogs are more domesticated than most, thats without mentioning their intelegence, for this reason I wont keep pigs. As for the animal wellfair, well thats a different matter, I think most unwesternised countrys have a similar animal wellfair system and if the truth be known there is a lot worse happening to humans. Maybe some of the dogooders, anti's or what ever should get of there arse's and do something for man kind or maybe that is just too risky.
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