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Everything posted by leegreen

  1. hares ear.small gold head nymphs ,olives Good choices, also think about other smallish dries and tha may fly will soon be active. Or you could always use mackem's net or one of his disposable rods.
  2. top class lads a good days fishing had many a good one meself while fly fishing in the dark for salmon A Salmon is a wild fish those Rainbows did belong to someone and was there any need to take so many?
  3. You spelt it wrong mate but they were caught on a fly I spelt it exactly the same as your pal said and I know what he mean't.
  4. Yes as I thought just as ye pal said "Theif".
  5. Ah thats where ye wrong my friend I am on the list. As I asked before where ?
  6. You paid for your days fishing is that why they were taken in thirty minutes and if thats the case where do they have bag limit like that.
  7. I hope you realise that those fish weren't caught on a fly
  8. leegreen


    50,000 poached.........300,000 culled........,000 run over I'd be more concerned about the later
  9. you must have good natured hobs =] You must have well fed Hobs, if your Hobs became at all hungry you may pay the price. Good luck
  10. Keep your eyes on the horizon is defo the best thing and dont try to consentrate on things inside the boat rigs, knots, tangles etc.
  11. WHAT!! SO putting them to sleep is the answer? Have you got a better answer? The shelters put more to sleep than they rehome so I would like to hear what your solution is I dont have a solution but how are vets to blame. Im not a big lover of vet bills myself mate but its Simple, if you own a dog vets bills are part of the package. like owning a car, mot ,tax etc etc... if you cant be responsable enough to own one, then they shouldnt be aloud to own them.. Nothing to do with vets. Maybe every owner should have each dog tagged like cattle livestock are nowadays, every movement t
  12. Feck me I know its bad but as I have said before there is human tradgerdy happening all over this world and everyone freaks out about the racing buisiness. Would it not be as bad if we ate a few so that the dogs didn't die for nothing (we could sell them to the fast food outlets, get it). I have even read some posts in the past about dogs getting it because they didn't make the grade and that is on here . Don't see anyone piping up about the meat industry, I know its not exactly the same but the welfare is not a lot different. I strongly beleave that if something has to die then it should
  13. My Defenders better than that. yc
  14. My walls were breathing. If it does nothing your either not on full screen or not staring close enough you must stay fixed.
  15. I like her better in the Barbour. Does she insist you have a roll around in the field be for you have to pick the kids up
  16. Getting a bit soft happens to us all (well apart from the girls), the old blue pill does the trick haven't found the need to use them on a regular basis. Joking a side the older you get the wiser you become and it makes sense to respect many things in life and it give you a chance to appreciate the world you live in. Many good things have been said prior to my post and it just goes to show there are some good people on here. All the best love Lee
  17. Certainly something I have never encountered. well done son
  18. He didnt die watch the end he is moving. By the way that was Steve Erwins cousin.
  19. thats like saying dog owners dereve to get bitten by there dogs Dont be a div, its nothing like that. Its not a domesticated animal. He may of well deserve it.
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