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Everything posted by leegreen

  1. I hunt for good food, the fact that I enjoy it, I think doesn't make it sport. In fact I don't remember ever being in competition with anyone.
  2. Its LUNCHEON-meat fly LG,I never actually tried it but as soon as you give me an invite to your fishery old chum I might,just give me directions,but no "Burning" your hairy palm on me Sorry about the spelling old bean, if I knew you weren't going to take the piss I'd love to have you here as I would anyone who thinks they could fool a fish by more honerable means and you sound like an interesting type of chap. Any way Mackem you obviuosly know how to use a fly rod do you think its a good method to catch fish?
  3. No really I meant "nice" I think it is great to catch any fish on a fly, its a real full on battle, real in intemate like. I fished recently for big carp, proper explosive on virgin waters, burned my palm on a screaming reel, Feck .
  4. Very good, you should ask Mackem all about, it I heard he had 43 once on the lunchen meat fly at night.
  5. I personally thought it was having a bit of trouble, I think you should send it free of charge to jojoa
  6. "Nice Planters", can't belive I just said that.
  7. We have a 5 month old one for sale, good pedigree. Oh and I forgot to say its a bit sick in the head, are you interested. Not for the faint hearted, pm me if interested.
  8. Good stuff, nice to hear you released that Spurdog. Well done son.
  9. Hello Mackem, you know what you have just made me done to cleanse my soul, I've just smashed my mouth piece so it can't be used. I hope you are right. Maybe you could use one to go stalking at your syndicate, now that would be a challange and I would think more highly of you
  10. messing what up dude. How long ago did they put a FAC on them I brought mine without one, it's a two piece one in camo and it's 7' long, with 4 and 7" darts.
  11. Very nice, a bit tough though. Similar to rabbit, stew or cassarole would be best.
  12. hi my mother in law looking for dog to gaurd her house it house on it own and she got broken in to last year how would this dog do if some tryed again If that bitch barked which I assume it does they wouldn't try. Cheap bitch, good luck.
  13. I have a blow pipe quite accurate/powerfull you need pliers to get the darts out of wood. The down side of them is the noise, your target/quarry can move before the dart gets there. Great fun though, the one I've got .50 actually takes stink bombs and an array of different darts some really nasty looking.
  14. im sorry if it seems that way merlin, but im just giving my experince on them. i had a bull x greyhound a while back, raised it from a pup with my kids, he was great wee dog, came from very good foxing lines ect ect. one evening, 7 years ago, my nepfhew called round to have a game of footy with my son. they were having the craic ect, the bull x was in the garden with them. my nephew started clapping his hands, the dog ran up to him and nearly took his arm off, it took 3 of us grown men ( work mates) to get the dog off. the poor lad had to have the arm cut off, due to it being badly crushed to
  15. Try your luck at snaring them takes a fare bit of skill, that wil keep you busy. Good luck what ever pal.
  16. Only the obvious did you find any problems with it putting the dog off the game..??? Not once they were actually working its the inbetween, walking, waiting etc
  17. Your the numptie that started the site. Did someone hold a gun to your head stormrider and make you join this site. You know what they say, if you don't like it feck off. No but he didn't asked to be called a dope, I thought it was a fair reply to an insult. Didn't read all of the post so can't coment on any thing else.
  18. tried fresh rabbit wont touch it any advise welcome. Tried fresh rabbit and it won't touch it
  19. Nice dogs, the Patt looks like a Nuttle type dog I had twenty odd years ago. He was great with other dogs but was stupidly hard and it nearly cost him his life more than a couple of times.
  20. Always carried a knife and always will, never felt the need to take one with me wilst out drinking or clubing, never felt the need to stab or cut someone and believe me I've had some rows. I've always liked a good old straight punch up. "Cowards" is the word that springs to mind. Knives have always been easy to obtained, I have loads always have had since the age of about seven or eight. Maybe the problem is no one has ever shown them what knives are really used for ? I once got pulled with a leatherman in my pocket, the copper said to me "oh ye, whats this for" I laughed and sa
  21. Just what I'm looking for a lovely soft mouthed bitch :tongue4:
  22. Do a search on lactating bitch, theres some advice on there.
  23. Ah then it would probably be ok. I thought you might want to grow something and it would have been a nightmare trying to control the goats feeding. Obsolete means no longer needed.
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