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Everything posted by leegreen

  1. got to agree how many bull x men and saluki men use them for going out ferreting or the smaller game with success and how many bull x bring their game back to hand without it being crunched ie a rabbit Mine does and works ferrets and cover and retrieves wild foul and catches rats and mice and bites on command and she is very friendly and walks to heal when out in the feild and lets my six year old take it's bone and says sausages so there. edited to say and she is only nine months old.
  2. Feck me I thought you were a bit skint what with your current state of diet an all. :11:
  3. What are you gonna dig a any method trout fishery, errrr....."Sweetcorn Ponds Fishery"
  4. I give blood when they let me, foreign cuntrys and all that.
  5. Deer dog, I've got a dear dog, it cost me a fecking fortune
  6. "very very close at times but that makes it all the more exciting." "I just dropped the fish off to matey, he thinks he can sell more!! Whens the next trip?" that don't sound good my friend, you sound like a just for kicks kind of tea leaf, a little bit thrill junky with an added dash of toe rag. Not very nice to hear you say that sorry.
  7. Most of my dogs past and presant eat and ate fruit, apples, bananas, kiwi's, pears, oranges etc, etc. When I am collecting blackberrys they stand there picking their own, never had a problem with them. At the moment the foxes are filling up with cherrys their poop is filled with cherry stones and my neighbour has shot them out of his trees .
  8. What you think I would invite someone down to steal my fish and then run the risk of being sued because his lost parts of his anatomy, ooooh I don't tink so. I run a tight ship here there is not a lot of room for losses . If I could trust him maybe I would have him here on one of our any method days that we hold for kids. edited to put in a comer as I know Mackem is a bit fussy.
  9. Alright Terry welcome, I'm not to far from you, enjoy the site and watch out for the Know it alls, Bullys and Idiots.
  10. My new pups are 8 and 6 months(Bull/Grey Hound and a Whippet/Grey Hound) and they have both caught fully grown rabbits, someone tryed to slag me for it but I dont go out of my way to make them do so they just do it. Saying that I think you have to watch a pups joints at an early age and you have to make sure you dont kill the dogs enthusiam buy pushing them. They have both had rats Bull x loves them and the Whippet x dont but thats their make up. I think knowing your pup is the most important thing and that just comes with experiance yc. edited to say they both bring back to hand live.
  11. Funny you say that we have done night time man hunts, well funny. My friend wont do it again as I cant get to the dogs quick enough, they get a bit excited and dont listen to good . He says its too dangerous as the dogs are too heavy to stand up with. We are thinking that his Lithuanian dog trainer might do it for double time, he is a very sick dude.
  12. Yes I had a quick look but the dogs kept me on point last night very still here and you can here my neighbours in the residentual caravan site, allsorts go on there and the dogs aint worked for while, they need some action.
  13. Yes I'm back, I do have sort of a rich, deep, but proper Cockney type of voice and feck me you must have done some bird with all the talk of prison psychiatrist, man action "and we have all seen the saliors in Brighton havent we?" no, speak for yourself, I just go fishing there not clubing. What were you in prison for, Piscatorial Pilfering or do you work there as a releave manager :kiss:
  14. Nice pups, look healthy enough, who did the terriors tail .
  15. Well, you boys will put up with having native wildlife killers in your home......! Serves you right! Fecking right shoot the cat. My misses is always banging on about getting a cat, I buy over two hundred kilos of bird seed a year, like feck am I getting a cat. edited to say I often shoot mice on boring winter nights seems a little sad but it gives the ferts a fresh meal.
  16. Nice to see a fish being returned well done Ferret. And well done andthor, food on a fly, class .
  17. The collar bit is a wrist strap me tinks, I think you just clip your collar to the brass fitting
  18. Thats awfull, I'll give you a small bell if your desperate.
  19. Great little dogs, the lurcher looks the ticket too .
  20. IT WAS LOAD IT SOUNDED LIKE A WWWWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAA WITH A BIT OF A HHHHHOOOOOYYYY ON THE END! Classic . Where abouts were you, I mean what is about the area. It might be worth looking the local paper, sounds a bit worrying
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