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Everything posted by leegreen

  1. I did run her and she did fine, she brought back live to hand but would she hand it over would she feck, she squashed them befor she would let me have them, it started to piss me off by the end of the evening. Whats the fatty tissue ting?
  2. Yes thats £8 each, soon starts to mount up if you have got a pack. Sorry to hear about your doggy abley.
  3. Great lookin pups, but is it neccesary to have your thumb up this ones butt
  4. Same as, I think it's all a con.
  5. Feck me thats a bit of a wide statement.
  6. I got my first rod in 1973, it was 12' 3 peice and the first section was gold anodised ally with a cork handle, the rest was glass fibre with brass fittings and the first and last eye's were brown glass. Can't remember the make it was, my reel was a Shakespear 2002. Centerpin's all the way for trotting they are the best
  7. I used to have a CB and my handle was "The Equalizer" and lo and behold Mr fecking Edward Woodward a few years later stole my feckin name and made a whole series with it what a tosser.
  8. My bitch is having its first season and not having a running dog before I wondered if it will cause her any problems? I thought it would OK as I've never had problems working Terriers in season. She is being run with another bitch and will be lamping.
  9. I have a Non ped Whippet from the Stag camp she is a straight Whippet Greyhound a "Non Ped Whippet" Her name is "Tinkerman Oh so cute Fast as Feck"
  10. I've known this bitch since a pup and she is a smart bitch and does every thing from cover work to open feilds, no holds barred and a bargin at £100.
  11. I'm a little confused you say glen 'strike while the irons hot' is the sire and say the sire is 3/4 whippet 1/4 greyhound???? how can this be when glen is a KC registered pedigree whippet???? (i've seen glen at mikes and have a copy of his pedigree here) therefore the pups should be 3/4 whippet 1/4 greyhound shouldn't they?? I think what your missing is the word grandfather.
  12. Nice read, well done. Come back to us in another few sessions and I'll bet you've got the carbon back out . I see it time and time again some of my customers trying their luck with the old split cane, doesn't last long mind, heavy old buggers those split canes. It's a bit like driving an old motor, the novelty factor is there to start with but after a few goes it like where's the PAS and the servo assisted brakes. Any way good luck MC
  13. YOU MUST HAVE SOME OF HIS FERRETS HAVE YOU jesus - you bought a dog recently , like how long have you had her , 1 week , and you think your with the top shit , get a grip mate , you even said your self , and i quote * i bought her last week just to try get a litter of pups* , . and aren't the last litter of pups 9 or 10 weeks old? one of my friends has a bitch off Fetel, how many siblings has she?
  14. Good stuff, your filming can only get better. Are you trying to put fear into your opposition? edited for punctuation
  15. leegreen

    bloody dog

    Feck me if my if my dog looked like that I would run away. My old mans dog run away and we got it back 4 months later
  16. My old Pa BP and his old pal Mr Hancock, never did know which one was me Daddy, me Mum had a bit of a thing for the dog men. Thanks for the thought Mackem, it's nice to get so many PM's . Aren't you the son of John West Mackem or was that Captian Birds Eye .
  17. Any roads near you, could of escaped a minor collision and died after a long walk (internal bleeding)
  18. 12 weeks old, has it bitten anyone yet?
  19. Excellent, did anyone notice it only does left turns
  20. Went there on Saturday, see the man in the real tree with the little Beddi pup . Good show though, good atmosphere. First show I've been too since the 90's, totally different show now a days. Don't do show 's but after a couple of ciders I see my pal in the Bull class lurcher show and there was only 3 in it so I grabbed my Bull pup ran over and paid my pound then entered. My friend said laughing "I thought you dont do shows" I said "I've only come to knock somebody out" as there was now 4 entrys and it ended up being the woman standing right next to me :oops: .
  21. Cheers, i've heard you have a few yourself.
  22. They can be caught on the fly and they are less spooked by this method. They go like stink on a fly rod, they are a thick set powerfull fish. Bread is also a good bait how ever you present it but be sure the method is delicate as they can be real finicky, I've had them take the bread from a size 8 time and time again, well frustrating. Good luck MW.
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