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Everything posted by leegreen

  1. well if we gonna have an auction ill give you £60 £64.75p
  2. I have seen young for the last month or so, maybe if you feel sad you should take up golf Maybe if you have no feeling for anything you should take up hanging Steady now, bonny lads,.. Max,.we have been catching baby rabbits since Xmas,....its a bit of a fecker I know,.but what can you do... Facts are,...the traditional,..'ferreting season' is getting shorter and shorter each year,... All the best,.CHALKWARREN... Thanks Chalky, he had me checking my conscious. And sorry Max but if you don't laugh you'll cry
  3. I have seen young for the last month or so, maybe if you feel sad you should take up golf Maybe if you have no feeling for anything you should take up hanging Ha ha ha.
  4. I have seen young for the last month or so, maybe if you feel sad you should take up golf
  5. Do you want it for free? Some more info or pic's might help
  6. I did part of CSE English exam about dogs took a bald faced Staff/Russel (which was a proper animal)in for a talk, no body bothered me, but I suppose it was very different in 19?? We were still able to sell fox skins and used to get between £7-£15 depending how damaged they were, now most of our foxes are killed cleanly and we just chuck them, what a waist But yes nowadays tell them feck all.
  7. you get more fire out the welsh ones Thats about all you'll get from them.
  8. Yes mon stay well clear, proper dangerous, poisonous and hard to spell......... What is a "heal", other than the thing at the end of your leg.
  9. Did they have a paticular use for this Spaniel X
  10. doesnt matter once you are there but its getting caught going there thats the problem. You could aways say that you caught them there yesterday
  11. Hope you have a section 30 fish moving certificate, you wouldn't want a fine and a day in court would you
  12. I think you forget or don't know, it was open to anyone who was willing to do a lot of travelling and who had £50. That counts loads out on here
  13. 1st August, feck me your keen. Can I stay in my camper?
  14. Cabinets I can help with... http://www.djsproducts.com Those cabinets are a good price
  15. Pointless...not harsh...clueless. notice the ?????? marks it was asking what people thought!! as yes i dont run them so was looking for a bit of education on them!!! clueless with dogs im not but when i dont understand a breed i like to get opinions so i can further my knowledge if you read right through this thread you will understand that i used the phrase pointless to ruffle some feathers and get som tounges wagging so people who had seen this breed could educate me further on it!! If you wanted to know about a breed/cross of dog why put "pointless." Because it sounds li
  16. Nice to see your happy about it, well done lads.
  17. personally I think red only works because it dims the light so much I think this is a large part in using a red filter.
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