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Everything posted by leegreen

  1. No he has been given a book of usless facts for his birthday. Oohmyning ning.
  2. leegreen


    Got me smashed listening to music.
  3. What else is there? stalls, food, ale and ting.
  4. Feck me your good at keeping people in suspence, bet you great at keeping secrets
  5. Bova bunnie. You could tell them it cut itself shaving.
  6. Not unusual at all, terriers catch them all the time, depends what cover their in. It needs more than one dog though.
  7. Go to Ockendon(Nth Ockendon) track tomorrow(Sunday) and ask. You can get food and supplements too. I think you can give your dog a run for a fiver, they like a muzzle though. From around 9-12ish. Where in Kent are you?
  8. Penis extention , why is one of the tyres on the other way?
  9. Chris has just brought the .410 version of me, it was like new and only fired about 100-120 shots.
  10. Cheers everyone, I have been out for the past two or more seasons with two of my friends fairly regular (both have open tickets and pocess .243 and .308), maybe a couple of dozen time or more. The land is a south facing valley bordering on a small stream next to woodland, most of it is downward shooting on to mixed broadleaf woodland with no footpaths or nearby tracks and we know the owners. I will be taking a mentor with me if thats what you want to call him, I call him allsorts . Some of you sounded quite negative is this usuall?
  11. Sorry mate, yes I do but only for a .17HMR Oh and I have a SGC.
  12. 7mm minimum for pigs and you need Boar specified on your license. No courses needed but pigs are feckin dangerous so get an experienced person to take you out if you can. Not sure about the lamping. Thanks I will look into it. And dangerous, feck that I'll be sitting up a tree.
  13. How long have your been shooting centrefire and what calibres do you already have? Are you asking the questions now? I don't have a centrefire.
  14. I have just been given a chunk of new land, around 100 acre's of hay fields surrounded by woodland. Now it has plenty of Fallow and some Boar, now the question, what caliber and what else do I need to know? Like do I need to go on any special courses or do I need any tickets, paper work etc? Can I lamp boar?
  15. Some one has put a stone in your exaust yc
  16. Just because its easy don't mean you have to take bundles, you should only take what you need. we're at one, mother nature and I.
  17. If he is "way off steady" then don't take him. Take him out mooching road walking or what ever, just get him obedient and a bit biddable, then take him. He sould take about six good outings or more, at a geuss. Depending on your training capabilities. Then with what you have taught him, train him whilst ferreting Ha! forgot abbout the ferret thing, that's the easy part Feck me I am sensible some times
  18. Thats right just because you can see them it doesn't mean you can catch them, but at least you know your in the right place Good luck with that, they do take some getting used to.
  19. Surely thats cheating? do you use that then jump in with your speargun?
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