I did a CAD CAM course back in 1988, when it first came about as part of my tool making career . Problem was so did Acid House and the rest is history and now I live in a field amongst a load of animals, what the feck happened there.
Back to the question I think a lot can be learnt from DVD's but there is no substitute for experience and I think it all depends what you want to use it for. If you have the time and the commitment go for it.
What are you looking to do with it?
A good dog will only show its true colours under good dog man and a good dog man can't polish a turd or something like that.
Saying that even a shite dog man can get something out of a good dog but he will never make it shine.
Anyway I am feckin brilliant and my Great Dane is an allrounder!
So do mine, I think it's a coat thing as well. My dogs don't usually take as long as a month to get fit though, although I do a fair bit of bushing/mooching in the summer.
Nice dogs people.
This has gone on for years(in east London anyway). I was especially aware of this when I was in my early teens, this all changed when hairs appeared from my chin, then I quite looked forward to the challenge. Having a terrier was always a help, I can remember collecting a few extras from an unwanted encounter made up for a couple of pay offs a number of years before.
My hands
No really, mainly Whippet/Greyhound then Bull/Greyhound then .243 then ferrets then arterial roads then I have to give the rest away as I only have three chest freezers .
I forgot my rod and line and shotgun. I don't use my air rifle vely much, especially to fill the freezer as rats don't get eaten much here nowadays.
i thaut live vaccines have been around for ages? Nobivac parvo-c is a live vaccine, if you look at the clinical data it states the immunity lasts for at least 3 years. the reason its called live is because its a small dose of the actual illness that you want them to get immunity to and can be shed in small amounts for 8 days after vaccination and the animal can show symptoms of the illness vaccinated against, most vaccines start out as live vaccines. the safer vaccines are now killed so there is no risk of shedding the disease/virus after vaccination or showing the clinical symptoms of the ill
You've got an iphone, dats well gay!
I never bought it ff's, I err stole it off this gang of drug dealers so that I could get all there contacts and start up my own drugs business..... Kapeesh?
Safe bruv.
Very nice, shame to go to all that effort and then use a PACKET of marinade.
Edited to say, I'm suprized you got that as it doesn't say Venison on the label
Oh oh, it does say & more. Sorry.
Hello, castration not vasectomy, may help but I'm afraid it's down to you to make sure he doesn't get the chance.
Does he work with other dogs? if not he needs socializing, may be a bit late for that though, although it will help.
Good luck.
I love it, proper entertaining And the thing is they all really mean it, quality. They should up the yearly subs to a tenner! And I would pay, it if they took cash.
Edited for punctuation, yc.
He is eating his pies.
Don't give them a reason to delete the thread by putting childish insults on. If the thread stays on it's decent info for people looking to buy a catapult (I wish I'd seen something like this before I bought mine).
That weren't a childish insult that was probably the truth and anyway why would they delete the tread, there is nothing illegal here. And I also was knocked by FF as you can tell.
Now I will put my penneth worth in. I purchased a buffalo catty some time back and the way it was made I was unable to fit the elastic properly. When I contacted FF and asked if he would swap it he said he wouldn't as it was now secondhand and was unsellable, even though it hadn't been used. Poor show FF that was for a pressy for my boy. I then contacted gamekeeperjohn of here via ebay and he made one exactly to my measurements and it was cheaper.
I think FF should be a bit thoughtful and remember that people don't forget, infact looking at FF's history he is a lazy fat feck who thinks of hi