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Everything posted by leegreen

  1. Why don't you know who he is? Alright Windy Maybe it's big Ian. He has lots of permission
  2. god its good to be back Ah! your back Any more victims?
  3. leegreen

    J Darcy

    Nice Don, have you a nice track suit to go wid ya Nike's He still thinks his a teenager. What do you suggest I wear with a big toenail off?? my digging boots didnt fit then very very painful.. Ouch! lost a few toe nails in my time and know how you feel. I thought you might of had them on so that you could do a runner
  4. leegreen

    J Darcy

    Nice Don, have you a nice track suit to go wid ya Nike's He still thinks his a teenager.
  5. Nice dog, not as nice as mine though.
  6. I'd want more than a Bull X
  7. Feckin right, don't tell me others don't do it.
  8. nice cats. do you sell them. ill be lookin for one come september No not really just made a couple for myself but if you visit slingshotforum.com you will see lists of catapult dealers and checkout Gamekeeper catapults as I have one of those I bought recently and can vouch for there quality and shootability gamekeeperjohn he is on here.
  9. How long has your Pappy been throwing shoes at ya? and how big are his feet?
  10. That's a bad one mate.........but who exactly are you going to wage war on? Afghanistan would be a good place to start.
  11. Welcome Dunc, why the cats? Is it cos you like pussy?
  12. "The pups look well, credit to ya" All fecking pups look well and the credit goes to the mother.
  13. It is "my favorite quote" not "your favorite pm"
  14. What a shame leaving a woman like that, if you need some work on your ending, send me a pm.
  15. "They lived on it for years" but do you remember the state of there stools :sick: poor things living for years with the runs I'm glad people are more educated now.
  16. I am not so shallow that I don't understand the difference in work load for lurchers , physical, mental or otherwise. What I understood about this thread "how much graft" was the word Graft and I thought that more physical than mental, although I understand the implications of the later I didn't consider mental graft as testing as physical. I mean I have seen fat dogs that could ferret day in day out. All said I take your point .
  17. Maybe he was double dunking her with a chicken neck :sick: Edited to say: sorry that was a bit wrong
  18. That's what I was thinking.
  19. Shame your so far away. Why don't you try the game dealer, although someone on here must have some spare.
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