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Everything posted by leegreen

  1. Excuse me Neil but wouldn't your pride and joy be a bollie belly pellet snuffler? A fish doesn't get that big on fish alone. I would defo go to Spain fishing if I had the time, big Cats and Carp, pellet snufflers or not. Still I consider the European Catfish one of the ugliest fish in the world
  2. A friend of mine has a small mole problem and I have tried on three different occasions to trap these moles and have had seven traps set off with no moles . Now the problem is the moles are on a steep bank and the top soil is loose and whilst clearing to set the traps a good deal of debris/soil is falling down the run and is being pushed back and setting of the trap. Now is the only sure way gas/poison? :icon_eek:
  3. I understand that and was agreeing, but you wouldn't drive across a recently seeded or newly sprouted arable field would you?
  4. But Whin a lot are driving arable fields not grass and driving right across the middle of fields coursing game in the motor
  5. And the fat fecks that I know drive the fields chuck there game, just NO RESPECT! Proper pr**ks.
  6. depends what game your talking about,,, you wont kill more rabbits driving Dam right and your not fecking peoples crops and and PEOPLE DON'T KNOW YOU HAVE BEEN and what they don't know won't hurt them
  7. 50%+ of field drivers are fat c**ts and before anyone starts this is FACT too.
  8. Lazy feckers that are turning the farming world against us, FACT!
  9. :thumbs: This is obviously a subject whhich brings up strong emotion. My take and experience is this, in 1986 i got an after school job walking a kennel of imported bulls, i was shown this strange piece of equipment and shown how to use it, not for any dark or seedy purposes but in case an accident happened on exercise. When i first got a very well bred and drivey bull cross i realised the breakstick was a usefull piece of equipment, i am not and wasn't an inexperienced dog trainer and im used to drivey dogs BUT when dealing with fox and deer (all way before the ban) i found a breakstick mu
  10. :thumbs: This is obviously a subject whhich brings up strong emotion. My take and experience is this, in 1986 i got an after school job walking a kennel of imported bulls, i was shown this strange piece of equipment and shown how to use it, not for any dark or seedy purposes but in case an accident happened on exercise. When i first got a very well bred and drivey bull cross i realised the breakstick was a usefull piece of equipment, i am not and wasn't an inexperienced dog trainer and im used to drivey dogs BUT when dealing with fox and deer (all way before the ban) i found a breakstick mu
  11. Nice one. Your bunnies have still got there guts in .
  12. Pictures? yeah, it's like one of them Greyhound type things. Good luck rehoming it, shouldn't be a problem at that age.
  13. Out of Town is responsible for a lot of fields sportsmen today. Jack Hargreaves top bloke Mackems uncle I believe.
  14. Messer or not £15 for a neutered hob is good money. How did they do against the mice?
  15. No no, I like it. And Fill De Bubble you do sound like one of them proper tight snobs and as for paying to be informed of where I would be ALLOWED to go beating, feck that, pay me yes. "Poacher News" brilliant! You learn something every day. And and "even if a few are some what rough around the edges" how delightful your special. Carry on chaps. edited for a full stop.
  16. I would have a hob but I'm guessing your far away
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