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day worker

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Everything posted by day worker

  1. The fishing community is just the support hunting needs! Millions of recreational anglers in this country!
  2. Their are new laws coming regarding how many bass can kept by recreational anglers! The law is just uninforcable same as hunting. The amount of money it costs and the amount of manpower needed it just can't be policed what with all the police cuts!
  3. Same here if I have big volumes of the fizzy stuff big Guinness is pretty damn disgusting. I try and stay on the spirits now days!
  4. I don't know what the suff does to me but if I have a big sesh on guiness it gives me the shits!
  5. It wasn't a definate that I'd have the toes off. I've been vets several times and it's still ongoing. I'm going to see a different vet because I'm no satisfied with the current one. If it was a case of keeping the nutty fecker on the lead for the rest of his days or take a couple of toes off I'd do the latter!
  6. I'm going to get my dog back to the vets this week due to his toes swelling up. If they don't improve one thought I had was amputation..... What's people experiences of this and did it effect the dog at all?
  7. If the roles were reversed and our dogs were crapping in gardens ripping bin bags open killing songbirds feck me the list is endless their would be uproar! I hate cats with a vengeance!
  8. 100% out! It's our country we should be making our own rules not bending over taking it from Brussels!
  9. I had the diablo pro and got it taken off me by the police!
  10. I'm surprised we're still allowed to call it the Black Country!
  11. £100 a week would be cheap. He wouldn't be able to find cheaper dogs than that anywhere!
  12. I used to have an old bitch that caught crabs........probably wasn't the only thing my ex wife caught!
  13. You know you're old when you've got more hair around your ringer than on your head!
  14. Are those crabs edible? If so there's a meal missed!
  15. Yeah ask him why he hasn't done the decent thing and dropped dead!
  16. you really have to take your hat off to that fella bloody amazing man!
  17. I'm pretty certain jeyes fluid sterilises soil!
  18. Well the fasting and turkey and rice seems to have worked! Feeling relieved!
  19. And I just remembered he's dead!
  20. Yeah and Gary Coleman is going to be the new milky bar kid!
  21. I don't think it's that he on a very basic diet co he isn't working at the minute!
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