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Everything posted by WorkingBullandTerrier

  1. ^^ Now that is too funny!!! Looks like a stuffed animal!
  2. Do you guys ever have Rabies cases over there? Over here, usually when foxes attack a human, they turn out to be rabid.....
  3. Congrats. Hope your new pup works out well for you.
  4. Is this the dog you speak of? http://www.stamtavler.com/dogarchive/details.php?id=16355
  5. Okay, guess I need to speak extra specific. I damn sure WISH all I caught was trophy boars! If I'm lucky, I get a couple a season! Any dead hog is a good hog though with all the damage they cause. Did I actually SAY that ALL I catch are trophy boars? Nope, sure didn't. We are all in different areas here, and we all use our dogs to hunt different things. I only brought up the specific dangers of hog hunting because you seemed to downplay it, as if hogs can't put a hurtin' on a dog. I know factually that that surely is not the case. I don't hunt Coyotes (there are plenty out here), because I pre
  6. LOl. You obviously have never hunted big trophy boars before. Doesn't take nothing special to catch a hog huh? So you'd just go to the pound and pick up any ol' mutt and you'd trust that dog to hang off the side of a 300 pound pissed off boar's head while getting flung and sliced by inch(es) long cutters while you have to walk right in there and grab that hog by it's back legs and flip 'em to stick 'em? I'd love to see that! Then I guess it doesn't take "nothing special" to catch a fox, (or have a pack of 4 large dogs jump one) or a coyote either. I've seen plenty of cross bred dogs do that to
  7. No worries. She's surely a trooper! In true terrier fashion, lol. Take a slice like that and keep on keepin' on!
  8. Must admit im not too familiar with the whole hog thing so forgive my ignorance.......i cant quite see how this curved nose thing works i mean i understand the theory but does the dog just grab a hold and hang on ?....does the dog not work the hold ? would he not swap it for a better one ?......surely only if the dog is literally hanging on nose deep in one place without moving will the breathing thing be a factor. They typically get right in there and grab a hold and hang on. USUALLY they'll grab an ear/side of the head, I have seen hard headed bulldogs grab the face/snout. I don't wan
  9. Ouch! All in a day's work eh? Did a hog do that? That'd be my first guess.....
  10. Man can you take that immature juvenile verbal garbage to a private message? I'm PRETTY sure that this gentleman you are speaking to is aware that people don't need 'rescuing,' as I certainly don't. He's just been stating facts if anything. We are all allowed to speak here, just as you are unfortunately. I've been dealing with 'overly opinionated' 'people' all my life, I don't need anyone to do it for me. You are trashing my thread, so if you don't have anything productive, or at least tasteful to add, please refrain from spewing the verbal assaults here. No body cares for it. MOST everyone el
  11. nice pup what way is it bred Thank you. Mostly Gould with a bit of Nuttall......
  12. Think I may have already contributed to a Patt thread, but here's just a few of mine nontheless.....
  13. Oh wow.........what a damn shame! It's a sad sad thing....all the raids/seizures over time where innocent dogs were taken and euthed for no solid reason. Hell I wish that dog was still around too! I can't even watch any yard videos of Mr. Floyd's because it's so depressing. So many years of hard work.....dead and gone...just like that. Those people have no idea.
  14. Ask and you shall recieve He's my conformational nightmare, but he's bred out the arse to be a bulldog, not a princess. As you can see, 'looks' alone aren't an issue here, unless they hinder performance. This build isn't at all uncommon for inbred Six Bits dogs. They have certain attributes that would lend to putting the breaks on a runner. Probably better lead in catch dogs. Here's one I remember from way back when. He was a solid bulldog. http://www.apbt.onli...ee&dog_id=13254 I bet Gnasher is right. This over the right EBT might do the trick. Oooooooo-wee..
  15. I kind of figured that after I did some post researching, lol. No worries here. I can dish it right back ;-p For every couple 'gum flappers' around, I have met and conversated with at least a good handfull of really great dog folks that I am glad to have met! Funny you mention the Airdales....I just saw an ad in Bayed Solid from a fella in Georgia advertising some off of working hog dog stock! WBT-Now thats the spirit. The WWW is perfect for sorting thru alot of folks to find the ones you would really want to deal with. I have met some real crackers and some real dip shits on th
  16. That's fine and dandy, but, on this particular thread, no one was posting any lies, or trying to "sell" anything, etc. This was (is for the most part minus the bickering) a productive thread on a specific breed of dog. So what was the point of starying off topic? There wasn't one.
  17. I kind of figured that after I did some post researching, lol. No worries here. I can dish it right back ;-p For every couple 'gum flappers' around, I have met and conversated with at least a good handfull of really great dog folks that I am glad to have met! Funny you mention the Airdales....I just saw an ad in Bayed Solid from a fella in Georgia advertising some off of working hog dog stock!
  18. Such a shame. Almost nothing worse than a dog thief!!
  19. Thank you. I have noticed that alot of folks do use them in bite work. Kinda suprised me actually as with how stubborn and hard headed they are. Yeah, the 'modern' BT has indeed been watered down by the show culture. Yet having handled various bull and terrier breeds, I see such high potential and heart out of the BT's we feed here, I feel like I would be doing them an injustice NOT to put them to work. It's just something I am passionate about putting time into on the side. So far so good.... It was speculated that Mr. Walter Komosinski crossed BT into his APBT's in his time, and prod
  20. THAT right there is why I was talking of getting them back to the straighter profiles......when their noses/nostrils are curved DOWNward, they get completely blocked off when they are in hold, making them mouth breathe, which can shorten the time they can stay in hold without turning purple lol. With the straighter profile, their noses/nostrils are not completely blocked off..... WTB-In your expierience, how extreme does the EBT curve have to be to impair its breathing? Have the undershot dogs been better for catching, since their noses are farther away when they bite? Take care.
  21. Must admit im not too familiar with the whole hog thing so forgive my ignorance.......i cant quite see how this curved nose thing works i mean i understand the theory but does the dog just grab a hold and hang on ?....does the dog not work the hold ? would he not swap it for a better one ?......surely only if the dog is literally hanging on nose deep in one place without moving will the breathing thing be a factor. They typically get right in there and grab a hold and hang on. USUALLY they'll grab an ear/side of the head, I have seen hard headed bulldogs grab the face/snout. I don't wan
  22. THAT right there is why I was talking of getting them back to the straighter profiles......when their noses/nostrils are curved DOWNward, they get completely blocked off when they are in hold, making them mouth breathe, which can shorten the time they can stay in hold without turning purple lol. With the straighter profile, their noses/nostrils are not completely blocked off.....
  23. That's great. Yeah I know where you are coming from, there is that 'danger' factor with the hogs, big time. I have a bad back, so when I go, I'm a bit slower than others, and that element of 'what ifs' always weighs heavy. I'm not as quick as I'd like to be at times.
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