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hillbilly boy

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Everything posted by hillbilly boy

  1. Agreed mate but it is our jobs as genuine dog men to put the time in and source the correct pups from genuine working stock and not just pick from the first litter we come across. Some times people get from inferior stock just cause its convienant for them as the are not willing to travel for the proper stuff for me i would drive from one end of the country to the other just to make sure ive got the right dog.
  2. I would love to be able to make my own nets but don't think I would have the patients to do it
  3. It's a joke of a fight how many chances will Harrison get. Fury was offered the fight but instead of fighting price he gave up his British title to fight rogan for the Irish championship.
  4. She is a cracking looking pup mate you will have some fun with her this winter
  5. No its in your back garden and you know it boy haha. We will be freezing come winter time you need to get dusty bin in there and a kettle sayin that you dont use the kettle in the house only get a brew when your mrs is there
  6. Its the best tv show thats been on for a long time cannot wait for season 3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ShQz68Zkb3Y
  7. Pip if i was advising him id be saying to have a good rest from boxing......he,s had a lot of fights some of them fairly tough battles in a short space of time,the way he,s going now he,s going to be washed up by 27 !..........Have a rest go on holiday do whatever he does......then in a years time settle back into a routine have a few confidence building fights then hopefully challenge for a title...........as an example every time Frank Brunos wheels came off he would have a couple of confidence building fights before a title eliminator.....3 or 4 times that happened and he got their in the e
  8. It wasnt worth watching ufc cards have been really poor lately
  9. Why are you in your neighbours garden thats not your shed this is your new shed I dont know why your bragging I think its a bit sh1te lol
  10. Haha does he have anyone left on the site seems like everyone is banned
  11. If your going spinning for bass be carefull its addictive you will end up spending a fortune on the latest and greatest tackle trust me I know lol
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