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Everything posted by coonboy

  1. badgerdigging with terriers first editions for 100 pound
  2. coonboy


    What did the neighbour say to them ?
  3. That's right cj a cuple of my frends litter were like mis shaped terriers and ones what were like the collie whip but black and smaller were belters
  4. haha john rambo with his super dogs sort ya neck out she got the dogs best intreasts in mind
  5. A frend of mines got a patxcollie wip fast lil thing top little mooching dogs these type of crosses can turn like nowt I've seen
  6. How did plummber turn his back on working dog lads? I was told he gave hardcombe 10g when his house burned down is this true ?
  7. I've got 4 for you mate get a egg of each one evry day really quiet in pen hahahah
  8. imo this site dose only dose harm to hunting and to hunters I can't see its benafits atall apart from buying items of other hunters first thing the police and rspca do is take evry computer in your house aswell as your phone
  9. http://www.nwhsa.org.uk/links_to_other_anti.htm. Probley be able to find your local sab groupe on here
  10. how do they expect to get infomation if the nubers not in view
  11. My mums anti hunting and eats meat but she whuld never vote against it or stick her nose into my buissness or other peoples she just choses not to get involved in the conversations and makes her self scarce when I was younger even tho she don't like it she whuld rather me be in a field with the ferrits than on the estate doing nuffing idle hands are devils hands she used to say and she always asks how the dogs are doing evry time we speak she respects other people and ther way of lives its just not for her and I love her to bits
  12. Mine are doin my feckin head in scremain at first light till I get up and feed them no matter how much I feed them at night and ime getting no eggs if I leave the run open for em they shit alover ma garden and fly frew the window shit in me kitchen and eat the dog food proper pissin me of greedy b*****ds gettin me up at daft o'clock with nothin to show for it ther days are numberd the c**t who sold em me assured me I whuld have 4 eggs evryday
  13. My lowas used to be waterproof now they let in if I walk frew short grass,, after a year its a piss take if you ask me when ya pay nealry 200 euro a pair you can buy seal skin socks for a tenner a pair they keep ya feet dry nothin worse than wet feet and a waste of money
  14. Don't no have a look on the website hunt watch they proberly linked oll over the country
  15. I heard this guys done a bit of midnighting to can anyone elaborate before I clear my bookshelf of wronguns haha
  16. 07952550054 hunt watch number to report field sports fEel free to give them the run around
  17. fight fire with fire if ther spraying acid in hounds eyes that gives you the moral right to do what eva you want I personally whuld put sugar in evry petrol tank of evry vheical they come in and see how they like that or even go as far as spending 200 pound on a magnetic tracker and find were they keep ther vheicals at night then do what you want start terrorizing them like they do to you
  18. In my opinion pretending that we hunt for anything other than sport makes our argument look desperate and like we are ashamed of the fact we hunt because we enjoy it. When the ban was looming we heard it all too often how fox hunts are needed for fox control blah blah and then it was blown out of the water when revealed how much effort goes into supporting a large fox population. The argument was flawed and the public saw that. We need to be absolutely honest about what we do, not hide the shadey stuff and try to pretend we hunt out of the kindness of our hearts for the farmers. JMO
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