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About coonboy

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    Mega Hunter

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  1. Swimming Softens the muscles and loses your sharpness
  2. Yes p good thanks mate stil flyin around hows your self 1600 it was topper if it whulda been 8oo' i whuld of carried on and risked it lol and your right ime still having sleepless nights over it about 17 hours drivin with a 2 hour kip half way on one of them wooden beds haha
  3. I dont wanna come accross like am slatin the lads gere coz am not i nevere used one before and am in need of one but if ive got a doubt about somthing i am gonna bring it up am not arsed who it pisses of on here i care for my dogs and travle 7 and 11 hours 1 way just to dig for a few days so they spend abit of time in the boxes when on the road and theres no way i whuld frow em in a box i was unsure of i just want them to be in the best they can be in
  4. I have been using them for years and they keep dogs very warm in winter and cool enough in summer.We use rubber matting on floor when taken from the box when wet and cold the box has soon warmed up with the heat of the dog. Also dogs don't sweat from their skin like we do just lose moisture from the mouth and pads of feet. We have found them to be very good bits of kit chew proof and easy to clean. they look like top bits of kit i dont doubt that but i still whuldent put a worked wet dog in one with no lineing especialy if it was on a quad,, the only reason i say itis cos ime after a double a
  5. He can come sataday if he wants i give him a ring tonight
  6. Talanted guy i chuldent even trace a picture that good never mind. Engrave it
  7. I have been using them for years and they keep dogs very warm in winter and cool enough in summer.We use rubber matting on floor when taken from the box when wet and cold the box has soon warmed up with the heat of the dog. Also dogs don't sweat from their skin like we do just lose moisture from the mouth and pads of feet. We have found them to be very good bits of kit chew proof and easy to clean. they look like top bits of kit i dont doubt that but i still whuldent put a worked wet dog in one with no lineing especialy if it was on a quad,, the only reason i say itis cos ime after a doubl
  8. them boxes look top notch but they will suck the heat right out of a dog whos already wet cold nackerd and injured after time toground aluminiums the biggest conductor of cold ied make sure ther was a old coat or a a lineing in ther so the dogs not sat on bare meatal losing all his heat going from hot with a sweat on to very cold is dangerous for us and are dogs ,,, they look well made tho mate
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