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Everything posted by Chr15j

  1. Oh and teenagers who arnt responsible enough to make other adult decisions but can be whipped up with a free copy of braveheart and some romantic notion with no concept of the consequences of independence
  2. Bloody autocorrect on iphone but of all I said that's what you picked up on, no answers though!
  3. That the best you can say in response? No answers just blind hope
  4. Having had a bout of insomnia since 4am spent some time looking at data on this. Appears officially set up for .22lr hv rounds But.... Changing mv and bc data to ammo stats for subs and playing about if you zero at 55, not 50 and use 8x mag, it's bob on out to 150 yards and zero aim point still within .2" at 50 yards so that's fine too and it's peak traj is .6" above zero at 35 yards so for rabbits heads just aim dead centre on pigeon heads aim a bit low
  5. Clearly some peoples minds are made up, regardless of the facts! That's fair enough. The following questions need to be ANSWERED in my opinion: 1) what currency will Scotland have (stop hoping to keep GBP)? 2) how will Scotland afford to recruit, train, arm and maintain it's military force (as you will lose the British Army)? 3) what legal system will Scotland adopt, and how will Scotland afford to set up the higher courts 4) as non eu members how does Scotland intend on trading with Europe? 5) how will Scotland afford to set up borders? 6) having reneged on joint debt liabilities what w
  6. And we deserve who/what we vote for. If it's a yes and then when it all goes wrong, I wonder how much buyers remorse we will see?!? This is a one way street to no currency, no benefit of economic stability from being part of uk, no decent credit rating (as independent Scotland going to reneg on joint debt commitments), no eu membership, back to 2 party politics both left wing, no armed forces to defend Scotland, no naval shipping industry, no English students paying to go to Scottish uni, no higher court legal system........ Independence comes at a HUGE price that Scotland cannot affo
  7. Teaching my daughter, slowly and she's just turned 5
  8. In all of this I think too many people are following the romantic braveheart notion. Like Mel, Scotland will be hung drawn and quartered if you go independent, but at least you will be free of England I guess, is it worth it and what point is being made?
  9. And I suppose you think holyrood isn't corrupt! What's life like through those rose tinted spectacles?
  10. Remington express is a rebranded smk I am told so avoid
  11. Ideally 6-9 or 9-12 Sling swivel mount Ideally with tilt Thanks
  12. Just got two new scopes Hawke Endurance 30 8x56 ir for my HMR Hawke Sport HD Rimfire for my .22LR Looking forward to using them now.
  13. Got a beretta. 92fs but poss too heavy
  14. Got my viper for sale if you're still looking
  15. Have photos to email to whoever wants to see them (too big to upload) Now have new scope so this is ready to go
  16. Prob is I shoot his brothers land, best keep him sweet
  17. Guess depends on twist rate, if cz make them as carbine at 16" I wouldn't go less than that
  18. My neighbours lad might be interested in this, can you send pics?
  19. No don't keep quiet but keep clever!
  20. Reporters are there to sell stories and meet the agendas of the papers editors/funders! Some of which are antis
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