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About Chr15j

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    Born Hunter

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  1. Can no one here see the irony/hippocracy Look at it this way... Mr abc earns £x and is taxed accordingly, if it turns out he in fact earned £x++ but didn't realise/declare the govt can tax him accordingly, he has to pay. If mr abc were to say feck off I'm not paying he would have hmrc all over him like a cheap suit If mr abc were mr rich abc, not only would hmrc be all over him but so would media and 1/2 of you lot This is EXACTLY the same as this eu bill! Yet now everyone wants us to tell eu to go whistle for it. Cameron is f****d either way on this, as would any leader i
  2. Hi I know it's an a but what model pease (I.e s0000)
  3. Got a viper 6-24x56irs with box sunshade and Sidewheel for 190 if you're interested
  4. Coming off a customers 2010 s line special edition Absolutely mint condition with tyres that have reasonable tread too Will fit most VW/Audi/seat/Skoda etc £1000
  5. Got a 6-24x56 viper if you're interested?
  6. Aside from anything immigration related does ukip have any policies for running the uk if they got into power? And don't even try telling me curing the immigration will fix everything else because that is utter bollicks! So, what are their plans re nhs? What will they do about the multi-generation spongers? What is their defence policy? What will they do about impending housing market crisis, people mortgaged to hilts on interest rates that will only go up? What is their policy on taxation? What will they do with the human rights act? If anyone couldn't run a bath it's ukip!
  7. Bloody hell, surprised he wasn't decapitated!
  8. Free listing doesn't cover cars afaik plus if u want to put reserve on or dictate starting bid it then costs. Trust me autotrader is best place to sell with a well written ad, eBay best place to buy from a poorly written ad
  9. I'm selling one if these too, grrr his one is crap, honest
  10. Think will take this, can you package so doesn't look shooting related otherwise wife might blow a gasket and beat me with it Presume mounts into sling stud then gives me a new stud for the sling
  11. Excuse poss dumb question is this the tilt adjustable model?
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