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Everything posted by mhopton

  1. Yes they do last all night and yes they are a hell of a lot cheaper than the deben battery (just before you ask about the battery)
  2. There has been a lot of topics about which lamp to buy for the upcoming season so I thought I'd just put a little topic up regarding my kit . Today I searched all over for the 150 corded led lamp to no prevail in till I went to the only place I thought would NOT have one , he never and said would never get them again to many problems with the wiring BUT I've got one here you can have for £25 brand new just wire isn't working sound I said I'll take it after a bit crack we both agreed that people automatically assume that the 150 led is the same as a 140 170 210 twist the head to increase or dec
  3. I do the shooting over summer with the dogs but I've never had any trouble Big Mac it is addictive lol
  4. That's the trouble these days joe to many pros , I'm lucky enough to have a dog who's good at day work and night so I understand your point atb mark
  5. Watching the lamp , retrieved to hand or very close let's not forget it's just ran its hart out for the kill so to hand is not major, straight back to you after a run kill or not , jumping barb wire , to me in the dark I'd rather lift him over them rather risk him ripping him self to bits if he miss judges it . And go at your command not when it feels like it . My top two most important then is 1 watching the beam 2 working to my command
  6. Good for your land mate never really had a problem with the 140 for small or large land anything over 300 yes to me is not necessary I like my dog to have nailed its quarry before 100 yards
  7. The 150 is the best out there at the minute loads of posts in them
  8. The future looks bright for you and your team mate cracking pics atb mark
  9. Bloody hell not kidding there were loads near where I found these
  10. Can I just make this clear I'm not against making money out of hunting and fair play to you if you can make a few ££ what gets my back up is when they come on here and have a go at people who get a few in the summer months I've seen people pull up with a trailer fill it with rabbits 100 + and still twist that they haven't got enuff to cover costs even more so it's a once a year drive up no respect leaving a big hole full of guts open gates open rubbish beer cans left and verbally aggressive when they are told to clean up let's say they will never get back on or any surrounding land I myself wi
  11. So these are magic mushrooms I thought they were smaller
  12. Cheers all never touched them or let the dogs near them . It's just I've never seen them before apart from books and as garden ornaments lol
  13. Out for a mooch this morning and came across these any ideas what they are
  14. you can make money lamping f***ing new one too me end up spending more on fuel feed vet bills there is very little too be made lamping unless your doing bigger things then bunnysNot just the lamp mate ferreting too
  15. Agree best of luck to you Dave hope your dogs stay true and fit and have a cracking season Atb Mark
  16. In my eyes if you're dogs are as good as some people say on here you should not have a problem catching lamp shy rabbits I'm not a fan of blowing my dogs trumpet but some say when there dogs are super fit they can catch everything so why worry about lack off numbers or is it the lack of coins in your pockets from the low numbers your getting ? Myself and many more do it for the love of the sport . Some do it for the the love of the money
  17. Cracking stuff mate enjoyed it more work needed following the beam but they still pups plenty of time
  18. The lads who never came back not you mate looks like I worded that wrong lol
  19. Crack on moxy there loss your gain . Probably be the type with stolen ferrets and dogs that's had more homes than proper Feeds
  20. Just go out fella if your thick skinned post your nights shine and be prepared to be hammered by the button pushes and praised by the true down to earth hunters or just keep it to your self but ether way good look
  21. That's true mate but like you said they handy and cheap paid 26 sheets for mine this is the lamp moggy was on about
  22. Spot on that. I only do it once or twice a week. I enjoy it and the dogs enjoy it.Changed your photo back mate lol even back in the late 80s early 90s when I was young and fit we had a bike to train the dogs mounted on a old stool was my chopper , big back wheel perfect, of with the tyre and tube 30 pound sea line bambo sticks set up like a ski slope then pedal like mad grate days That sounds like good fun. Lol Was until the line fell off the rim and tangled up in the cogs used to take turns on the bike dog seemed to like it
  23. That's the best photos I've got on my phone sorry
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