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Everything posted by mhopton

  1. Nice one Gaz mate good looking little bitch that good look with her mate atb Mark
  2. It was cracking night sport Jcm but I've seen them fields wet but not like that with all the rain then snow then rain and snow again just not draining away . I was happy with the the outcome and more so with the two dogs had to work extra hard to get the rabbits in the conditions Bering in mind both dogs are under 21" worst part about it is I left blades coat at home and he was hugging the walls but 8 each with really good catches blade taking 3 off the seat at distance good night with cracking company in Jcm top bloke atb Mark
  3. More precise with location mate please Lancashire is a big place
  4. Fukc me Owain I told you about boiled rice pages ago lol ... anyway good to hear they are getting back to full strength .....Come on socks it's sounds better coming from me lol
  5. Best of luck getting her back mate atb Mark
  6. Its great the way that deers head is in line with the tree it looks like its antlers Raby castle near staindrop co Durham 100,s dear just walking around mate
  7. Half hour drive max from me mate
  8. Very good offer bud, the land I'm onabout don't hold much gear but it's Oryt for abit of a hunt, if you ever want a hand shifting some bunny give me a pm im happy to come lend a hand with dog in tow We'll sort something out soon mate I'll pm you over the weekend mate atb Mark
  9. Add a bit boiled rice say 60-40 way of the rice it will help with the the loose stools and help fill their bellies also you could try and spring kl a little grated cheese in with there food that'll get them back eating mate atb Mark
  10. Well I hope he can make it but he's had some good offers tbo roybo I'm sure whoever takes him out will not disappoint him, I couldn't say what other folks land is like but mine is of let's say everything all types of terrain with plenty of bunnies to be had the place I've got in mind sooo good was thinking of taking a couple of ferrets no nets and bolt a few for the dogs that's my offering and that's what I'm doing with or without him but if he fancies a look out with the lamp even better Atb Mark
  11. It be good to see how Roy does mate if flacko can make it there is a good days mooching to be had atb Mark
  12. I'll get some photos at the weekend mate an pm you
  13. Cracking stuff mate just hope I'm still about , what final are you in like and when n where
  14. That would be sound mate much appreciated and look forward to it thanks a million mate
  15. if your still work in corby in two weeks you can come with us mate cant do till then,in a final with my dog next week Should be mate thanks and good look in the final Atb Mark
  16. That's very kind of you mate I'm only down a week at a time home Friday nights so only leaves me with nights just a walk out and meet a few folk would be nice so it's not important about how much or lack of game there is strongbow but I'd be very happy to tag along many thanks for your kind offer
  17. what you doing with all the scrap do you still save it or skip it I went round all the garages in Corby last time I was there and came away with half tonne of batteries they still hold there price but steel is right down but i still save it up Don't get any these days mate all got to go back to yard
  18. Man of steel mate lol steel erector and have been since I was 17 now 40 and my body's knackered all the long hard days in the pub sorry rain takes its toll
  19. A few year ago mate I'd of been in the pub before I even sorted any digs out, loved the Monday Club !! Memories memories lol atb Mark
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