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Everything posted by mhopton

  1. Thanks for your reply's fellas think he will be getting them off that's the second time on one leg , don't mind paying vets he's worth it thanks all mark
  2. As above what's the disadvantages of getting them removed,my dog has pulled one of nearly and I know for sure the vets will want to remove it Thanks in advance mark
  3. Good reply and a fair point so really its more or less down to over worked rabbits been a bit jittery ,im out on my own most of the time and never have him on the leader find the method usfull in your situation
  4. Hope you get a swap mate but can I ask about the distance thing I just can't see a problem with I tbo beside shouldn't the dog make the kill before it runs out of the beam ? Please im not trying to wind you up or knock you and your dogs
  5. Plr and the deben 150 do look the same but are different plr has a much better Wight beam tracer is by no means poor just they are no better than a buffalo river lamp I've never had any problem spotting rabbits with it ether and my dog don't seem to mind the light they give off and no problem at distance best thing is you get a car charger red filter along with the home charger included in the price
  6. I used a HW45 as backup years ago when ratting if I ever missed with HW80 felt like John Wayne lol
  7. Whenever you get a free day/night mate even if its short notice give me a shout and we will have a look mate plenty of land to run on now its all good times ahead ATB mark
  8. Gaz are you after something similar In size and breading to our blade if you can remember what he was like lol he's cross was saluki greyhound X collie whippet standing at under 21" he's got the gifts working day&night I've been looking around for a nice little bitch to breed with him ,hope you find what your looking for mate ATB mark
  9. Nice one mate something I like best is them short trips out seem to enjoy yourself more good luck with the rest of the season ATB mark
  10. Striker n blits are good lamps but I've had nothing but trouble with the variable striker. Them handheld ones are ok plr500 beam is narrow not so good for running dogs unless your on big flat ground. Dl100 is an ok lamp but mine burnt out so in the end I decided to get a decent battery and striker. Happy with it when it works ok just not so pleased with the wiring. Best of luck whatever you choose I've had a plr500 since they came out and never had any bother with it what's your thinking on nots so good for running dogs on them ,not been funny or sarcastic just interested in your thoughts
  11. First one or two are easy because your dogs at full fitness with any short break to travel the muscles tend to relax causing your dog to run below 100% say 75% try running the second ones first then you might understand what im babbling on about lol Atb mark
  12. And loc hes looking for collars im looking for collars or a set mate but would of taking the pair mate not to worryCheers fieldsporthunter mate my search continues
  13. How's it going Jordan and diesel doing job well done ,I never do long slip or short even medium our blade is never on the lead lol unless im going up hill then he is he's gonna pull me up it utterly a super strong little dog had good start myself with some big bags day and night ,took my mate out on Monday night only out for 2-3 hours ended with about 26 + two of rabbits on steroids the ones with big lugs and back legs Any how hope you're keeping well mate and good luck with diesel looks a belter ATB mark
  14. Bishop Auckland,gods country the land of the prince Bishop . I'm born and bread Escomb village but moved out down town 9 years ago ,where about in bishop are you edytom
  15. No torch or just shit ? I've seen that add on here and free adds im sure its in countryman weekly
  16. I post something on here a while back about a hob that been left for dead living on rotting rabbits and other polecats' well now he's a proper handsome man and impressed with how he works and he's a proud dad
  17. Good things come to those who wait well done everyone involved and best of look with training im sure nell will keep her right ATB mark
  18. That's true mate good luck with the search Keith
  19. Honesty counts for for everything in my eyes Keith and at least you have taken the time to explain your situation to the lads involved well done you ,atb mark
  20. Good luck fella mans worst nightmare
  21. I'm in co Durham about 1 hour away your more than welcome to tag Along tomorrow (Sunday )
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