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About thepurplecarebear@live.co.uk

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  1. Looking for a dark eyed white. Older than 12 weeks preferably, Glasgow area, willing to travel but not ridiculous lengths. Cheers , Janey.
  2. Aye, descenting. When a ferrets gets scared it scents, like a skunk, and a rancid gloop comes out. the surgery takes the scent gland out the anus. Unnessary pain. The smell is from oil glands all over the ferret. Ferrets are smelly buggars, and washing them makes them smellier cause the oil glands work twice as hard to get the oil back. Just keep the cage as clean as possible and remove the shit once or twice a day.
  3. I'd concentrate on getting a hutch that's big enough for at least one ferret before getting another... I got one last night, cheers for your concern .
  4. Looking for either a hob or a sprayed Jill. (not looking to breed) Got an 11week old hob the now, so they'd have to get along with him, looking to get him a wee pal . Glasgow area please, can travel but within reason! Cheers x
  5. Never meant to say and ferret aha! Sorry, but hutch and run yeah
  6. I can pick up the hutch run and ferret next week sometime , where are you from? My numbers 07946867533 x
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