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About UrbanIslander

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  • Birthday 07/07/1973

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  • Location
    East Dumbartonshire
  1. Well I have to say that this appears to be a master stroke. Never counting chickens but this has already had incredible results. After having had Mollie now for two days she is already responding to her name, sits on command and comes to the recall whistle. Early days I know but very optomistic. Many thanks Claum
  2. Thanks for that - would you introduce the whistle straight away - I was thinking I should get her use to my voice first? Calum
  3. Hello all and having browsed through the forums on this site, I reckon you could be the very people to help. I have just (yesterday) taken ownership of a 12 month (ish) old working cocker bitch. She was abandoned and I rescued her from council kennels. I had a lab / springer cross which i worked previously and he was a brillant dog but died last year. I wasnt going to get another but somehow the challenge of this (and i know its a challenge) had an appeal. I know nothing about her other than what she looks like and that that she already appears biddable. Out of curiosity i've tried to see
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