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hok boi

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Everything posted by hok boi

  1. it could have been a helicopter time traveller that went to ancient egypt for a spot of lamping with a saluki x bull x grey and lost his dogs in an aerial battle with a flying saucer piloted by the alien race that ruled the ancient world lol. i definitely go for the evolutionary idea. atb chris
  2. years ago when i was a kid, my dad had a deerhound/greyhound x alsatian/greyhound, this boy was dynamite on hares and foxes. i was only about 7 or 8 and i was devastated when he was given away.
  3. thats a shame its not pre-ban or our dogs could have caught much bigger stuff than rabbits lol
  4. thanks guys, looks like i bought myself a pony lol, i dont really mind anyway as the land is quite varied around here, so there will always be somewhere to work him.
  5. my wee dog is 12 weeks old and 18tts, any idea what height will be? neither of his parents are over 24tts, hes a deerhound, greyhound,bedlington greyhound x bearded collie, greyhound, whippet, greyhound. dont think theres much else to put into that mix lol. cheers, chris
  6. imho mikethedog hit the nail right on the head. i have a soft spot for rough coated dogs, so thats one gets my vote
  7. i had the same idea, but my lurcher bullies the shit out of the russel(shes 3 yrs old lol) and has claimed both beds, i have tried to stop it but the wee bugger is relentless and wont stop it.
  8. hes 11/12 weeks old, do you think that makes a difference? never come across this before. atb, chris
  9. am in need of a wee bit of advice, my pup is doing ok with the toilet training, he has the odd slip up, but the problem is he keeps pissing all over my missus jack russels bed, took him to work with me last night, was good as gold, but as soon as he came in he pissed on its bed, i have tried putting his blanket on the russels bed to mask her scent, but it makes no difference. any ideas guys, im scratching my head here
  10. because they are too easy for a harris. and your bird could refuse to fly anything else
  11. imo i think most people dismiss them because they are slower to mature
  12. leathal at what??eating shitting and plodding behind things . :tongue2: the stuff were not allowed to hunt anymore lol
  13. off of trees, we would flush the feild towards the hawks, easy done, and simple. as for moorhens............dont let your bird near them.
  14. there are a fair few half decent dh x gh round here. my old dog was a 1st cross, shit at rabbits, but lethal on everything bigger. and its just my opinion....but i dont rate the saluki crosses and have found them wanting in the brains department
  15. my old mhh caught loads, and caught them regulrly. i actually prefer the male rather than the female for pheasants.
  16. it really depends what your after, and what kinda land you can hunt on. but the best ones i have seen have been beardie or collie crosses
  17. i dont know too much about organised coursing, but.........as far as i have heard, there was a shit hot dog called lucky the dark destroyer, and from what i have read/been told, most of his progeny were average at best, so it just goes to show,,,,,,,,,,,, you just never know, even if your breeding from a first class dog
  18. just for the record, the best dog i ever owned was collie/whippet x whippet, none of the parents ever seen a rabbit neverless caught one, but she was dynamite on rabbits and shit hot on hares. you just never know............but i did put in a lot of hours with her.
  19. it really picks out the light well. super job
  20. am the same, i believe that although genetics will always have a part to play, its the dog and its owner which will determine if it makes the cut or not
  21. i really like this pic, i especially like the way its been taken
  22. ferruginous buzzard actually, as the ferrugie isnt an accipiter.
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