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hok boi

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Everything posted by hok boi

  1. outside judges, i have seen way too many judges overlook superior dogs just because they know the owners. and maybe some hot models lol
  2. speak for yourself, your one of the ones that has totally misinterpreted the original post. the guy posted about an unfortunate incident, asking if anyone else had similar unfortunate tales, and in no way was glorifying the killing of cats, so whos uneducated??? and for the record........ i despise cats(they cost me the guts of £2000 in hawks, and caused me to give up falconry) but wouldnt kill one purposely. but shit happens. i doubt anyone on here has never killed something by accident, be it by gun or dog.
  3. hok boi


    crossed with what? i dont know of any, but you need to be a little bit more specific. atb. chris
  4. other than the shows at ayr and scone, does anyone know of any shows coming up this year. atb. chris
  5. the guy actually wasnt looking for a cat killing thread. and to quote him......." has any of u lads ever had bad experiences while out doing a bit if use have any storys lets here them... "..........sounds like a worthwhile question from a guy who wasnt bragging.
  6. There's a couple of lookers I've seen on here, but the beauties we have on THL are largely too modest to show pics of themselves. they must be in hiding, all i see is big hairy guys pmsl
  7. Would you like a spade ?? hahahahaha aye, maybe i shoulda kept my mouth shut lol. how about a stalker section????? anyone wanting a stalker should post pics and apply lol
  8. best bitch i ever had was a 1st cross, dont knock them, they really can be something else, and theyre not as bad at turning like a lot of people claim, just give them time to grow up and your onto a winner
  9. not yet, al wait until we get some good looking female members on here. and im not saying that the members on here arent lol, iv just not seen any yet lmao
  10. well hows about this for an "assertation" your an "i think i know it all" tool. and you know feck all about running dogs. and another "assertation"(this is gonna be my new word for today lol) is that your a keyboard warrior that has nothing better to do with his time other than badger a guy who openly admitted an accident/unfortunatel event and turned this thread into a rant that was completely irrelevant to the original post, if you tried to do that with most of the lurcher guys around here, and probably on this site too, you would have come away wishing you hadnt have opened your mouth. m
  11. Why are you banging on about spaniels? I don't own any spaniels. Currently I have 2 terriers and 2 labradors. In the past I've kept running dogs and lots of terriers. What the hell any of that has to do with the original subject I do not know. Perhaps you are just trying to deflect attention from your obvious lack of knowledge about UK pest control law? before i go............. i suppose your supposed lurchers had 100% recall when on quarry, nah..... i didnt think so either lol
  12. aaaaah oops lol, dont see too many labs having prey drive either lol. ta ta
  13. have worked for....... and sat on............. and tbh you should know what your talking about before you put your 2 bobs worth in(running dogs) how many rabbits have your spaniels caught??????? none!!!!!!1 because they have no prey drive, and thats what its all about in this game, not retreiving something thats been shot and is already dead, and im assuming that prey drive is undesireable with spaniels, but it is not a subject that i am particularly well educated on (spaniels) therefore i will keep my opinions to myself until i do know better. am off for my dinner, toodle poops lol
  14. well if you think its wrong, then you better inform the bpca. and if you have been in the pest game then you would have been involved in controlling cats, and if you did, then how did you differentiate between pet and feral???? simples, no collar, pfffft
  15. the shot/bullet/projectile should never leave the ground where you have permission. atb. chris
  16. the killing of cats is not illegal(at least shooting them anyway) feral cats that is. a cat is classed as feral if it does not wear a collar, i used to have to do cat poulation control in my old job working as a pest control tech for one of the worlds largest pest control companies. and as digger said.......... it was an accident. and .............. i would be very impressed if i saw a lurcher in full steam pulling off what it was chasing just because someone told it to, spaniels are a totally different game. jmo chris
  17. yup, had a look its the same ones. the wee traps that go inside them are second to none though, best mouse and rat traps iv seen. imho.... you just cant beat some well placed glue boards,
  18. if its the same ones im thinking about, i found them a pain in the arse, every time i closed the lid the trap sprung. i used them when they first came out, so maybe they have ironed out any issues with them. atb. chris
  19. really great pics, never seen one, but i recently heard there was one kicking around here, with any luck they will start breeding.
  20. stunning looking birds
  21. didnt know that, not sure what to make of it, food for thought though
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