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the scudd

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Everything posted by the scudd

  1. hi can anyone give me a contact no to get some chicken and tripe in exeter devon. thanks
  2. get a sportchief coat made in canada, one of the best coatsi ever had
  3. nice offer i used to do alot of fishing but haven,t done any in years only have a wee spinning rod
  4. fuk me will you stop putting these pics up , your making me hungry
  5. jesus man that looks great
  6. looks great.you must be getting better weather than i am
  7. thanks do you have a number for him
  8. hi do any of you lads know of any dog transporters,need a pup taken from n.ireland to hastings. thanks in advance
  9. jesus that looks good
  10. i have a gwp bitch, its not very often i need her but when i do she,s there, she is 7 now and has took 4 runners down for me. i never go out without her, she just had 14 pups so will be keeping one to take her place
  11. i have seen a few of them up in the north. seem to be getting more common
  12. get onto ebay and get a pair of altberg boots,firstclass
  13. i had a pair of irish setter boots years ago, they were the best boots i ever had comfy and waterproof, after 7 or 8 years they were fuked so i decided to buy another pair, i went for the elktracker boots. they were great for about a year then the water seeped in, they were a total disaster. they are made in china now though i think the red wing boots are still made in usa, hope this helps make your mind up
  14. after trying lots of sharpeners i am having good success with spyderco sharpmaker, the secret seems to be dont let it get blunt i give it a sweeten up regular
  15. not gonna name anyone in particular,
  16. hateful that, your right aboiut the dog though
  17. had a pair of the elktrackers,they were great for the first yeaar but suddenly leaked like a seive.wouldnt haveanother pair
  18. a mate had one, good enough dog but a complete cnut when it got on a bit of scent
  19. i see george michael is next to go
  20. a new norrona finskogen shooting jacket,some jeans anew shirt big box of maynards winegums
  21. to be honest you wont be missing much
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