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the scudd

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Everything posted by the scudd

  1. i live beside loughneagh good diver shooting to be had after november
  2. try a bottle or two of waggledance, lovely stuff
  3. Hi...I remember you purchasing that blade...I had a message from a pal of your wanting a knife but he never got back to me. Glad your knife you made is serving you well. i know he is still after one, he could not believe how it kept its edge. i got a mate to make me a walnut handle its not much to look at but it fits my hand very well. hope your keeping well
  4. had one for about 2 years and never really had a problem apart from the recoil, then i shot a mate,s 25 06 and changed to one myself
  5. nice write up, thanks for sharing it, your a lucky man wish we had some roe in ireland
  6. always liked real ale, hobgoblin, bishops finger and tanglefoot but cos i live in ireland i only ever had bottles, well before christmas i was working in leighton buzzard went into a pub and saw bishops finger on draught got one and drank it, to be honest i was not impressed,went back to lager, got up next day and jesus i never felt as sick in my life. think thats me and the ale finished
  7. hi how far are you willing to travel
  8. hi if you go onto the stalking directory have a look for a guy called luder, he is in n.i and he has a hobart for sale. if you want i may be able to get his no for yuo
  9. was working at a farmers house one time, his misses made mars bar and apple, thought it a weird one but it was tasty
  10. it is worse some of the lads are from up by the border, not nice boys to mess about. we are working away from home in birmingham .its bad enough being away from the family without having to beg for our wages
  11. cant even get a hold off the dirty wee rat, we are having a meeting in the morning with the main contractor, he has heard whats going on and he is not pleased, think he might pay us himself then hold it off the other guy
  12. can who ever made the call pm me as i could do with some help, a rotten bas ard owes 15 of us lads about 20k between us and all were getting is excuses
  13. hi if you go just over the border into strabane there is, or used to be a good fishing and shooting shop belongs to joe diver, think its called diver sports
  14. i have a couple of cock pheasants one michican blueback in flight the other i think is called an old english blackneck, both very well mounted by kenny murphy
  15. try a pair of irishsetter boots. first class
  16. hi i have had both lowa and meindl i would say if you had size8.5 in lowa you would get away with an 8 in the meindl, cheers
  17. very waterproof but not that breathable
  18. the scudd


    hi check ebay for a plasterers mixing bath, very hard stand some abuse. i think with postage they work out round 30 to 40 pound
  19. totally agree without a doubt the best ever. my 3 daughters love them although i have to say i prefer the bon scott days. do you think will they ever tour again
  20. a keeper mate of mine got his landy done in it. nice job if you like that sort of thing, he ended up getting a bodywork man to do it, it,s been on now for 2 years and seems hard wearing
  21. i think the donegal lads might have some thing to say about that
  22. hi i know a lad got his deer rifle wirh 70 acres, think you need dsc level one though
  23. hi i have one here with the duck card in it, hardly used would swap it for a half decent knife, cheers
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