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Everything posted by colliexgreyhound

  1. Thats what i cant understand why is she putting more effort into other stuff when shes getting a face full of teeth every time she catches a fox
  2. I hope that stick is used for beating the antis
  3. It works until shes slipped on her own again then she goes back to the same routine
  4. The dog as become conditioned to a certain situation,its reacting to past experiences and acting accordingly,as certain Collie types are prone to do,its not lazy or jacking as some would have you believe.Change the situation to give the dog more stimulus,ferreting bunny,s,working free,daytime,having to use its senses to locate,run and catch,if lamping change your lamping style,use a filter,shorter and kicked up slips,no long slips and slips that have the bunny running towards cover.Stay off ground the dog is accustomed to,nothing will cure the dog fully now,they soon learn to work any situatio
  5. Fair enough. she was geting walked 3 mile a day and fetching a ball for a hour every day as well so she would have been fairly fit before the season started just cant get round her putting all her effort into other quarry and rabbits that are fairly close. even if a rabbit is in the middle of the field and squatting she still only runs half hearted even though she has a good chance of catching it
  6. how could she be doing it from injury if she put 110% into running rabbits on the last night of the season and never run another rabbit for 6 months. Then ran half hearted on her first slip of this season.
  7. she done it the first night of the season and didnt run anything since last febuary so i cant see her doing it from being injured
  8. foxes are my main game just makes a very boring nights lamping as you usually only get one or two chances at a fox when out
  9. Thats what i think happened to her i bought her 2 years ago and she was never tryed on anything other than rabbits. She then was tryed on foxes with me and was great so i think rabbits are too boring for her now lol
  10. The thing that puzzles me is that she doesnt do it on other quarry
  11. Yea but its annoying as f.ck when you have a rabbit sat miles from its burrow and the dog trots after it
  12. Shes great on foxes which is the only thing thats stopping me doing it
  13. Then i id have a plodder that took half an hour to kill something lol
  14. how hard do you work her when out, and how often do you take her out. Shes out lamping 3 times a week for 2-3 hours and out all day at the weekends if you dont work her for a week will she run the rabbits o.k then? collie blooded dogs can have some strange traits. Tryed it for 3 weeks. She was spot on last year but started doing it the first night i had her out this season
  15. She was 100% last season. Then i took her out lamping for the first time this season and shes not putting much effort in
  16. how hard do you work her when out, and how often do you take her out. Shes out lamping 3 times a week for 2-3 hours and out all day at the weekends
  17. They can hear you walking down to them and usualy have fecked off by the time i get near them. Where as with a dog they can cover the ground alot quciker and get to the rabbits before they get into the hedges
  18. I have a 4 year old 5/8 greyhound 3/8collie bitch. When out lamping she runs very half hearted on rabbits that are 30 or more yards away.Does anyone know how to stop this?
  19. Have a look on their website and you will see how these dogs are being wasted by people who care more for winning a rossette than how their dog works
  20. Saw a cub killed on the road about 3 weeks ago still had all of its milk teeth
  21. Are you for real? All hare coursing is illegal if you deliberately slip a dog on a hare. The only legal way to use a running dog, or any dog for that matter, on hares, is to shoot the hare first and send the dog to retrieve the shot hare. No wonder the site is in the mess it is if even hunting men don't know the law! He is in NI skycat
  22. Longer course the greyhounds would run out of steam quicker than a lurcher.
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