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Everything posted by colliexgreyhound

  1. the jury is out on that Based on outward appearances you might think that rodents and lagomorphs are closely related. They do have a similar appearance, they exist in similar ecological niches, they are vegetarian, and they have continuously growing incisors, but they are fundamentally different. Mammalogists now think that lagomorphs are more closely related to ungulates (the hoofed mammals) than to rodents. Rabbit young are born naked and rather helpless (altricial). Hares bear young that are furred and able to move about shortly after birth Yes but why should they get any special
  2. Why is it that coursing lads seem to think the sun shines out of a hares ass there only big rabbits.
  3. It all depend on the ground your lamping them on. Feilds with dips and hills where you can lose it in the beam and lots of gaps and gates give the hare a great advantage but if you are lamping them in flat fields which are fenced with sheep wire almost make it a garuntee for the dog to catch the hare.
  4. If he is genuinly a hard dog you wont change his style no matter how many times you dig him. Some dogs only know one style if its in them you wont change them.
  5. Dug my first pair of the year this morning. The dog was the biggest fox i ever dug he weighed in just shy of 19Ibs
  6. If its his first season i would keep him away from deeper burrows especially if he is a hard dog. He could get badly bitten which could put him off completley
  7. Fine pup good and strong the way the should be
  8. They dont take a tape measure down with them ffs.
  9. Only if its got a long coat best leave it untill the summer anyway
  10. My springer gets very sore eyes the day after hunting through heavy cover. There is a yellow/green discharge also. Does anyone know how to stop this?
  11. My springer gets very sore eyes the day after i take him shooting there is a green/yellow discharge from them does anybody know how to prevent this?
  12. wudnt like that lad in the middle to be holding the lurcher or gun
  13. them brambles really are the ultimate test Not brambles.......legitimate terrier work,,, a couple of pics of cracking pups and all this ............... f**k them rabbits must be grumpy c**ts where you are
  14. Bred for an oustanding gait and striking facial features.
  15. dezzy it was on the local radio all day yesterday and these lads have been confronted this last few years and now the guards are involved. put it this way any terrier or lurcher lads from the north going south will get pulled in now over these dicks a few people stop the whole of ireland digging,......................everyones talking as if ireland is small lol Englands alot bigger than ireland and look what happened over there because of a few people.
  16. 5/8 3/8 collie greyhound and a 5/8 3/8 bull greyhound
  17. f**k me the arguing has started already and there still a week to go
  18. We got put off our permision last weekend because of f****n beagle men tramping the wire. Always got at least 3 digs on this every year and 9 times out of 10 we would put a fox out of the wee plantaion when we did it
  19. Dont think i will get rid of her unless she quits the foxs. Shes a totally different dog on them. When out with the springer hunting ditches she wont run rabbits unless there very close to her aswell
  20. Does anyone have a number for a bone man in ni. armagh if possible
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