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Everything posted by R.A.W

  1. R.A.W

    Fao Paulus

  2. R.A.W

    Fao Paulus

    He's nothing without that button !!!!!!!...............................................
  3. ye tomo very bad it had dislocated it and snapped in 3 places just under the wrist the vet gave him 2 options on a lead for the rest of his life or pts this dog couldn't do lead for the rest of its life so only 1 option really Fork me .......It just gets better !!!!!!!!! I've dislocated my shoulder a few times and I can tell you it forking hurts no matter what you do. Granted you can minimize the pain of a break but anyone with just a little bit of knowledge would of been able to make that difficult decision without hours of suffering. I know it's not your dog so the decision wa
  4. R.A.W


    Fork that !!!!!!!....... That's what the Mrs is for
  5. its not 100quid tho is it mate runs into 000s just for the pain killer its 300quid exrays and the rest another 500 so if youe not got a grand in the bank or no insurance you do what you can and if you carnt do that you have to pts i love it how lads get on n just say get to the vets as sometimes there no eans of payment expecially with xmas aswell its just skint me getting a lad back end rebuilt 2800quid and if i was ever in that situation again it would have just been pts Thats the extra charge for an emergency consultation with the vets.......I was under the impression that the guy w
  6. To any young hunters out there....... IF your dog breaks a leg while out lamping go straight to the vets or take matters into our own hands. DO NOT leave a dog to suffer over night for the sake of £100. Thats just gives us all a bad name !!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Out of interest What pain killers were they ?
  8. thanks mate ............ you'd think there would be a range finder app too.
  9. I also agree that isn't healthy.............. I certainly can't answer why he choose to do so but he does know a thing or two about a beagle.
  10. .... I know the one . I read that thread too but not every one is up to no good. I was thinking stalkers using to mark a kill while then went for transport Apps are a multi million pound market maybe even billion so why isn't there more for hunters?
  11. not for £450 to sit there doing nothing they left mine overnight then said come get ya dog at 8.30 following morning to the tune of £450 so I gave the dog some pain killer the lads had a rough time just of late too That says it all
  12. Morning all, I was wondering if anyone is aware or using a mobile app to aid or asset there hunting exploits? during a discussion with a friend that using an app with a fox call it got me thinking ( whats out there ?) surely there must be something that helps mark a kill or mole traps/snares using the GPS.
  13. Shame That.......... but what about a 24 vet or taking matters into your own hands ?
  14. How did you get on GET ORFF MY LAND!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. He's only jealous because he's got to pay to come over this side of the bridge.
  16. There won't be a nana safe in the village I didn't get one, the guy must be a good judge of chararcter and just PM'd the idiots
  17. I'll leave you to make your own mind up on that one.........But if it's tight one of them terrier won't be able to take a back wards step if need be................... and forgive me if i'm wrong only one terrier is permitted by the law of the land.
  18. I really Like the look of that pup ................... I keep looking at the pic and trying to convince myself not to make a phone call and jump in the car . I think it'll one of those ones i'll regret Would prefer a bitch if I'm honest ( not because they work any better but it'll suit my kenneling system more) good luck with the sale someone will have a stunning looking pup for peanuts
  19. Right Thats it untill the Next Year ........... nothing booked in for two weeks......... So it's Family and Dogs for me.................. Merry Xmas One and all :)

    1. R.A.W


      Walshie ya money grabber LOL..... no mate I do feel for you have you got long off ?

    2. R.A.W


      PIL does your name stand for PUGS I LIKE LOL..... A dogs a dogs mate evceryone should have one .....well not every one..... some right idiots in this world

    3. PIL


      Lol @ R.A.W

      He's great with the kids , but a fecking money pit .lol

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