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Everything posted by R.A.W

  1. Just watch out for the ladies with an under carriage like a hairdressers bin
  2. I can order a beer, order a pizza and ask for a kiss. Never found he need for anything else... when you put it like that I have to agree.......................just don't get them mixed up or you'll be smooching the bar man
  3. I'd love to go one day but couldn't commit to a date if I'm honest..........................it would be handy to have someone that was good with the lingo on the trip.
  4. I heard about it on the radio in work The vets in the area were loving it ...................they're advice was to go to them with any wound £££££££££££ Scary stuff ...............................I'll have to do my own research tonight
  5. its Saskia, not meg.. thats my dog! haha and ermmm chicken nugget happy meal with fanta and double cheeseburger.... why? Ok ok .......... Rubytex will let you know and if he says he's a Big mac he's full of shite Sorry mate your on your own from here in
  6. :laugh: The McDonalds comment Did I mention I love the name Saskia? smooth Tarqers very smooth
  7. I am now I was watching last night and they showed on with lung worm..................... A Really horrible way to die. At least the hounds to would stop the suffering when they were aloud( not in the town)
  8. .......I found it funny when the welcoming crew didn't even alter the message so that it was gender relevant like. I'd have to mix it up now and then
  9. Oh yeah are you any good at fishing ? I've got you back Tarqers
  10. It's a bit of a strange question Meg.......................... but whats your favorite Mc Donald meal ?
  11. Is that Winston Churchill holding them rabbits ....................
  12. Yeah very enjoyable...... The pups are doing great I'm trying not to ask too much still but they are no trouble while we're out. Hopefully I haven't ask too much and after next season all the hard work will have payed off. All those months of waiting are worth while when you see them fitting in with the experienced hounds I'm glad you had good one must of been one of those good scenting days I defiantly had a good feeling when I looked out of the window . the conditions looked and felt spot on.
  13. I was wondering how long it would take you
  14. The size Doesn't really matter as long as not too big and the education is right......................
  15. I think the Kids call it Flanter ........Flirty banter Welcome to the mad house Meg your in for a baptism of fire by the look of it ...........
  16. It's all the little ones doing she's off looking for more holes (as she calls them) in the last shot I'll be keeping all the pics for when she's 18 and bring a boyfriend around
  17. I was thinking to myself that it felt like spring today in work..........then they go and show a picture of frog spawn on winter watch ( crazy).........................Bring on the snow ffs

  18. My Lurchers have got a new pack leader .
  19. I took the pack out for a couple of hours on my own this weekend I had to choose the venue wisely The river in my valley is pretty much in flood so I used it as a buffer but if pushed they will cross as I found out to my own detriment in the past ( which can get a bit hairy when your wading waist deep across a flooded river after screaming hounds ).............. After an age of searching in misty haze they found and the music echoed around the valley for a good half an hour, he made for higher ground at first across the pasture to a fir wood in a deep sided gutter , up one side the
  20. perhaps a different career choice is needed, McDonald's perhaps as they give free shirts to all employees as well Fork that .............Prison is easier ,better payed and the food is better and no silly hat or badge with stars on Rubytex good luck if you get the job mate.............................When ever I've been I just look at the people running around behind the counter like head less chickens......................On the plus side there's plenty of young impressionable's for you to work your magic on If that fails just tell all the fat birds where
  21. The dogs let the falcon have the kill, there main interest is getting the "Crunchy Squeaky" once its broken they just want to find another one. The bird just wants dinner!
  22. perhaps a different career choice is needed, McDonald's perhaps as they give free shirts to all employees as well Fork that .............Prison is easier ,better payed and the food is better
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