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Everything posted by R.A.W

  1. He is gone? inan there's a thread on one of darcy's books you may be interested in.
  2. They are already here. I've heard they are East of Newport in the Gwent area etc, Im just outside Bridgend and we have a few fallow not far, heard reports of Roe being introduced in the Bridgend area n all but not heard of any munties about so far. I have read they spread fairly quick tho so probally only a matter of time, reckon it'd be quite a few years unless somebody drops a load off as has obvs happened where they have isolated pockets in some parts of the country! I've been racking my brains and can't recall ever seeing one in Gwent and have spent a fair bit of time r
  3. Did it go in the direction of that big field out the front ?
  4. Now I'm not one for gossip but I did hear a rumor that baw will be allowed back on............................. when he gets a dogs
  5. I agree there he did start some new threads and I never had a problem with him but it easy to see on times his opposing view were only to cause conflict and extent the debate......................so did he really speak his mind ?
  6. I think so Yeah I just looked Baw if your reading this Hahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
  7. I couldn't cope without my husky. fair play I thought I went though some logs with two fires but I'm not sure I use that much. Do you cut and chop all that yourself wil ? My back is aching just thinking about filling the sheds up again Its a nice feeling seeing the sheds full at the end of the summer
  8. I can honestly say I haven't had any issues as long as you have a bit of common sense then you shouldn't have a problem. By the sound of things you've been on before and that didn't go well either ? Do you need a dog to see someone being a Kunt ?...........................
  9. What was the final straw with Baw.?..........................I'm a poet too
  10. Have you tried giving them a shout to see if they are poaching ? OOOOOOOOOOOO GET ORF MY LAND..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! will do it If the lamp goes off you know they're up to no good
  11. Raw it boils down to lined pockets in the shooting game money money and more fecking money. Keepers go on like they own the land they dont own shit. If your on an estate the farmers might let you on but soon as the estate mangers finds out it can come to a sticky ending. Its them you need on your side , the farmer is leasing the land not the owner Keepers are just the estates chimps. I agree but they are chimps with kids and a home that can be taken away if they don't fulfill they're duties...........Imagine telling the kids it's time to move school again, daddy lost the job because he could
  12. I thought we had moved on from all that though mate.......................It's sad really
  13. That don't sound good what concerns me is the frequency of high levels ................................it doesn't look good for those that work out doors . I take it your not afraid of heights
  14. Thank you willbur ....................although they looking a bit fat at the moment they've had a few weeks off but a few days behind the bike will sort that ....................hopefully
  15. He was indeed but seems to be unable to converse about any missing literature
  16. he needs a nudge then ------------------had plenty of time-------------------- It's very strange.................................... its called ignorance mate!! you maybe right ......................... anyone else tried to enquire on the subject ?
  17. This was a clearish day in my village, pit at the one end and a foundry at the other. Plus you had all the coal fires going too. Fork me they used to smoke some Blow in them days ................. Thursdays when the foundry were smelting the valley would be thick with black smoke and it was really heavy in the air, horrid smell too it aswell. I wouldn't fancy running after my hounds in that lot..................... I've seen that view somewhere before . The last time I was there . there piles of dead rabbits every where Not pollution related
  18. he needs a nudge then ------------------had plenty of time-------------------- It's very strange....................................
  19. This was a clearish day in my village, pit at the one end and a foundry at the other. Plus you had all the coal fires going too. Fork me they used to smoke some Blow in them days ................. Thursdays when the foundry were smelting the valley would be thick with black smoke and it was really heavy in the air, horrid smell too it aswell. I wouldn't fancy running after my hounds in that lot..................... I've seen that view somewhere before . The last time I was there . there piles of dead rabbits every where Not pollution related
  20. I'd say it depends on what your trying to achieve..................... How much ground have you got ? How fit are you ? What sort of ground are you hunting? How big are the covers? The questions are endless really
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