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Everything posted by R.A.W

  1. ................I'll pitch them up there and you hit them out of the park
  2. Your doing all the work for them mun That's nothing mel wanted me to draw him a feckin map mun. ..................... To scale as well ?
  3. Your doing all the work for them mun
  4. It was the old one in the house that had a crack in it so it was time for a new one your know what women are like for something new in the living room. It's jotul ( maybe spelling) so it is from over that way I'm sure I loved it when it was in ....side loader and the logs could be pretty long too.
  5. Your welcome mate, to be fair I'm sure I said about NEWKID's aswell KUNT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...............................
  6. Cardiff Cardiff is 25 minutes or so away. Bristol isn't that far either if it was a bit cheaper
  7. I've run out of like for that one Malt , I can see a new tread starting DEAR MALT............................
  8. He'd be on there for a while................If he hadn't of played such a big part in my member title I would of offered to pick him up from the station. If you sit on a bus for that long RM I'll pop down to Newport and drop you to the venue
  9. Now That's just showing off .........................
  10. I didn't think it was that bad mate .........................I like the pipe skills
  11. Very nice and a good one today...............I going to steal your idea and set the bivvy up and tell the little un we camping out tomorrow Two camp beds though
  12. I've got a similar stove for fishing, great for a cuppa.............................A mug very sophisticated
  13. Thats something I've always fancied a go at....................................what timber is the best ?
  14. Good job I didn't throw away the old washing machine .............
  15. keep them coming I've no likes left I might try something similar in athe week
  16. No wonder you didn't introduce me ..............................I'd be after her with them credentials.
  17. Don't think he was asking for advice, just looking for some solidarity from his fellow men! He won't get that either
  18. Your right mate it is hard work. Jai wouldn't know, I heard that his mrs does all the hard work ................ No........ there's always something to do with a place like that. I'm looking forward to seeing it in a few months to . fair play he's done a fair bit already and has plenty of good plans for the place .
  19. I just Googled them .....................I've seen old pics of family's sat around the fire all staring at the contents What are the stews like ? . You can cook any thing in them. Go on you tube
  20. I was going to say I had cast iron guts
  21. Fork me I thought I was busy.................... What's more important?
  22. It needs a bit more cleaning up...............she'll eat anything
  23. I just Googled them .....................I've seen old pics of family's sat around the fire all staring at the contents What are the stews like ?
  24. A taste of summer hopefully We couldn't afford one ................... I liked the whole building the fire bit and making the a frame to cook the sausage, way before that Ray Mears guy. Now how about a spud done in a fire ....................bets a micro wave hands down
  25. I like that red looking hound............. Hows he bred ?
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