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Everything posted by R.A.W

  1. .................... I don't know why but a vision of an ewark (spelling) in that forest in star wars just popped into my my mind.....................
  2. .....................I'll certainly have to have another look at that
  3. R.A.W


    Nice little dog .......................It's still a terrier . I bet there's few men in that section that appreciated such a fine little creature
  4. R.A.W


    Why ??????????????
  5. We'll need one You coming then? I do hope so! Just waiting to find out bud. fingers crossed
  6. FFs............................... Gucci trainers and champagne for sale in one morning . What a hunting life moment I'm just waiting for someone to rock up to the fishing comp swigging the champers from the bottle and dodging the cow pats in a set of Gucci runners
  7. I'd rather drink my own piss............................... . Even when I did drink. good luck with the sale
  8. Don't under estimate they're power it'll take some dog to hold a full grown one. I'm not talking from hunting experience but from keeping pigs and having to wrestle the odd one in the back of a trailer.
  9. Great Idea ............... We could just Start with something small and simple for the first year and let it develop slowly.
  10. Good job you haven't had that windfall
  11. well, there is one born every minute................ Wait a minute...........do you mean........? ignore me remy i'm just being a c##t. i have a brother lives in barcelona, i dont often talk to him nowadays, ever since he told me to walk up to some spaniards and say to them "mi cargo en todos sus muertos cunio!" nearly got me head kicked in...... Mushroom ain't your brother is he?.. Lol That does sound like one of mushrooms tricks
  12. I'm not saying it's a fault but when the rabbits are a bit apprehensive and you need a dog that get to them and put them under pressure then it can be frustrating surely. I've seen dogs pressure a rabbit back out into a field that only a few moments ago looked like it was going to just pop into a hedge on it's own accord.
  13. Proud to be part of something so worthy.....................even if it is a small part. It's a strange sensation because there's a part of me thinking .Please nobody bid on the same lot as me because I really want this but there's another part thinking, lets get some wonger together to fight these b*****ds.
  14. It's great waking up at 4 in the morning and not being able to go back to sleep ...................

  15. Some really nice pic there gents My little girl loves being out with the dogs as much as me and I'm extremely happy with that, I just hope it lasts until she's got though the teen stage It's brought a smile to my face to see the next generation interested in field sports especially in the this day and age
  16. Yes , Not to sweet and the rhubarb seems to beep it nice and moist. It does make a nice change She made some chutney today Those spuds are making my mouth water too , Time for food I think
  17. Nice tosee them enjoying there time out . I love running around in the grass run playing with them and just reinforcing the basics and strenghting that bond
  18. Mrs RAW had a text off the nieghbour to admit pilfering some rhubarb out of the garden while we were out on the weekend ...............................we'er pretty lucky really because when we got back we were greeted with this. Very nice too !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So from this to this To this
  19. I was going to chuck a few pig related puns out there but that's just not my STY. ...................Right that's it I'm off to feed the hounds it'll only go down hill from here
  20. I heard your a right Boar .................................. I couldn't help myself
  21. R.A.W


    Just listened on and education was mentioned when the society was founded........
  22. R.A.W


    ............................Only the C.P.S take more people to court. What a waste of money surely if animal welfare was at the for front of the " Charities" agenda then there are better ways ensuring welfare standards are better. Start with education FFS .......................I really can't believe people still donate.
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