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Everything posted by R.A.W

  1. I had a look Sunday night and Blanked It's funny I've been fishing the same peg on the same stretch for a few seasons and never failed for a barbel.
  2. I think gaffer off here makes them........but as for the quality I can't vouch for as I haven't seen his work in the flesh. I'm sure others will give they're appraisal
  3. Here's a friends pup . I really like the look of this one
  4. Just saw this ................ Got any pictures of little hounds ?
  5. it's fine if your 82 I think they mentioned the attackers face was covered so who knows.
  6. ........................ ssshhhh don't tell them they'll all be turning up by the bus load
  7. There's so much of the uk I've yet to see.......money and time and all that. I suppose not liking being away from the dogs doesn't help either.
  8. I'll get some money paid in to the Mrs account today and send it over.
  9. What if that year old was a right Kunt in his day ? From what I read the attacker could of been himself and if I got attacked and only cut my hand I think i came out on top wouldn't you ? Just looking at it from a different angle .........................and before the fun begins I don't condone bamper bashing just don't take every thing the media feeds me as gospel.
  10. R.A.W


    We'll have to agree to disagree on this one.
  11. My Mrs would give me a back hander and tell me to come to my senses ............... I'd certainly say you've got more chance of selling a dunky to a Nun in a family planning clinic, that's just my opinion. maybe someone on here has expensive tastes and money to burn
  12. I was on my phone earlier and couldn't see your location so nothing illegal going on, as already statement . My humble apologies and happy hunting
  13. I'd edit that .......anyone with access to a computer can read this .
  14. I just noticed the Auction is over, I thought it would have be later for some reason.............. right then ......How much do I owe ? lol

    1. RubyTex


      Just realised I won your book R.A.W! Haha

    2. R.A.W


      You can't have it ....lol . I'll get it sent in the week mate. you'll enjoy it

    3. RubyTex


      Yeah no bother. No rush. Cheers, i'll inbox you my details.

  15. They'll be jacket spuds by the time of the fishing comp ...............
  16. Good day out shame about the traffic on the way out but can't have it all. Some very nice looking animals at the show and congratulations to all the winners. It's all a fix anyway
  17. R.A.W


    Now That's as thread in it self.................. From the pics I'd call it a terrier but an interesting discussion could ensue
  18. .......................couldn't resist
  19. It's nice to have the sun your back for a few days at least !!!!!!!!!

  20. .................... I don't know why but a vision of an ewark (spelling) in that forest in star wars just popped into my my mind..................... ........................And your still better dressed than Owain
  21. R.A.W


    ...............................At a glance I would of said he looks like an old Russell type. How is he bred exactly ?
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