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About intersol

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  1. got a point about turning circle, but this can be adjusted, simple job. Driving in the field, got to be the driver's skill there mate!
  2. I have a L200 '03' miles to the gallon, about 28/30 not bad, kept well serviced. When you think of the weight of the truck the mpg not bad, I agree with Neil82 '4x4 and good fuel consumption don`t go together'. I think the l200 is a great 4x4. But I own one so will say that mate. It depends what you want a 4x4 for.
  3. pm sent yesterday, not reply as yet.
  4. thanks to you all who have welcomed me. I had a look through the site looks great and informative as well as a few good laughs.
  5. Hi All, thought I would join and contribute, where I can, and pick up a few tips etc. Work with terriers but thinking of investing in a raptor ( not sure which yet)
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