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Everything posted by TRUEBRIT66

  1. Spot on mate It could all be a massive coincidence but I know loads of people who have suffered illnesses and strange diagnoses after having the vaccines including myself, my wife and my son. Its not all about getting older either my 30 year old brother has had 2 heart attacks and my sons friend had a massive stroke. If I wrote a list of people that were perfectly fit and healthy prior to covid but now suffer some strange things they never had before it makes you wonder for sure. Got to also say the only 3 people I know who didn't get a jab have never had covid or suffer with any ill hea
  2. Like I said to the wife if the country does go back into lock down your stuffed anyway even if you say Im not following any rules. Lots of small seasonal business/pubs/hotels/restaurants etc would love it shut down get some more free money. Larger companies like Amazon (whos shares are plummeting at the moment) Netflix/Sky would love it, begging for it no doubt. People on the streets en masse to protest, no chance, back at home on 80% of their wages slagging anyone else off who don't follow and grassing their neighbours up. Country opens back up in 3 months excess fuel in storag
  3. I’m no expert but I see it every time there is a build up to every pro fight I presume the YouTube call outs are just a poor man’s version? Podcasts I find interesting I’ve listened to some unknown people who have had amazing life experiences and some well known people who are boring as shit so horses for courses really. There’s a post on here at the moment about Ralph Fiennes doing a tour £35 cheapest ticket a amazing life and one hell of a chap but I’ve found some of the stories posters on here have told just as interesting and they weren’t born privileged and they are free as well I know wh
  4. Didnt know you had to pay as I watched his fight with Danny Christie and some little lad (both brutal fights) after reading this post some time back never heard of him before, it was for free on youtube so happy days. I listen to a lot of podcasts and a previous podcast done with him and his actions whilst he was staying with the host was brought up making some pretty dark allegations.
  5. Apathy mate, I haven't met a single person who is happy with the current situation but when I say what have you done about it I get the usual "no point waste of time". 68 million people in the UK if just 1 million sent letters to their local MP/Council voicing their concerns it would raise more than a few eyebrows and start a change. I've even offered to give them my letters as templates and email addresses all they have to do is change the name or a few words but nope cant be arsed. I've marched, I've spoken out but unfortunately I feel the same now, its had it were all fooked theres only one
  6. Weekend away with my lad for his 30th foggy and overcast this morning 30deg this afternoon beers on ice for footie and then rugby


    People began to talk of “equality,” but they did not seem to care about equal rights. They talked of “anti-racism,” but they sounded deeply racist. They spoke of “justice,” but they seemed to mean “revenge.” Excellent quote from his book


    What ever next, saw these for sale in the local supermarket
  9. I've said before "Womens football" wont be "Womens football" for many more years any way once the trans lot get their hands on it, same way all the "Womens sports" are going. We reap what we sow and there is a shit load of sowing going on in this world at the moment.
  10. Scotland has the highest drug related deaths in the developed world, whos ex leader (and husband) were under investigation over finances and main policy is to have independence and break away from the union. But you dislike the Tories because they create poverty, are corrupt and instigated Brexit ??? Like your stance on multiculturalism and immigration your sounding very confused, but respect your right to vote for who ever you choose.
  11. That just sounds like a cop out. Think everyone's said on here the Tories are a shower of shite as well, so whats the plan other than brining in New Labour who you have no confidence in ?
  12. Go on then mate you had me for bit, convince me why I should vote Labour. They going to stop immigration, move them all to rich areas like Richmond upon thames and Fulham and make them shit holes as well or just fund more staff to be able to process more asylum seekers? Or perhaps stop the LEZ in the cities that are effecting poorer people many already suffering from poverty (oopps forgot most are Labour council controlled areas schemes)? Im all ears!
  13. Thats not left or right thinking mate, thats just sensible, and what every normal person would like.
  14. GM you shock me Southmead Riots, Keith Pople and woolworths automatically sprung to mind
  15. I believe the phrase Elephant in the room was relevant to the news footage.
  16. For the ones who don't want it I agree but there are still loads of locals support it. There aren't many Towns and citys not effected by it now and in each one its nearly always the vocal groups that are the supporters. Trust me, plenty will tell you they are against it but hardly any will speak out or do any thing to oppose it and they deserve whats coming as much as the ones who support it. I wonder how many people who would normally holiday in Portland/Weymouth area will still go, bet there are a few on here? People will still holiday their but continue muttering under their
  17. Probably not 100% what your looking at but gives you some idea Kevin McCloud's Man Made Home - YouTube
  18. Have you got a MEME to post for Sandymere I diont think he understands/ignores the written word !
  19. Bought a umarex recurve a few years back fired it no more than 5 times a lot of the archery clubs wont allow them on site. The thing is deadly and so powerful amazed there are no licencing laws around them. Does look the balls hung up in the garage and everyone comments on it though
  20. Government are giving it away at the moment and not just to migrants if you know where to look and play the system. Just found out 2 of the guys who work here claim PIP for "mental health issues" and "mobility issues" , it doesn't effect the fact they work, how much they earn and they get it automatically for 2 years without having to reclaim in that period. You can also claim it on top of your benefits or pension, Its means tested but one of them said he just had a phone call and now gets over £100 a week on top of his wage (with o/t he earns over 40k a year). I didnt believe it but ch
  21. I've met GM and have to say he's extremely passionate about the cat thing and a smashing chap, he also didnt take this forum too serious and realised a lot of what was said on here could be taken with a pinch of salt. I don't think there was any ever any real malice in what he or FD posted between them it was just banter and both wanted the last say. As a regular reader and random poster of this forum I find the rivalry between certain posters funny if I'm honest and something that keeps me coming back. Its disappointing when regular posters leave of their own accord and even more disappo
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