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Everything posted by TRUEBRIT66

  1. Music, Fashion and politics all had a huge part over the years in different cultures, thats probably why now there aren't any. Music is bland, boring or plain crap, fashion is bland and boring and talk to anyone under the age of 40 about politics and its effects on the nation and they just look straight through you. Most youngsters spend their life's in a virtual world tucked up in their bedrooms unless your part of some inner city gang who deep down dont have any real passion for anything, just a lust for violence and trying to survive in a shit world. I'm glad I caught the tale end
  2. Those French are steadfastly behind us, I trust them so much to unite and help out when needed ! French Navy Refuses to Rescue Migrants, Hands Off to UK Border Force
  3. You aint wrong, worst part about my job is the blokes I work with. Horrible, rude, miserable, lazy waste of space....................... and thats just me!
  4. Me too, but the way the last 7 years has gone she probably denounced God lives in a crack den and identifies as a parrot!
  5. Yep thats the ones chunky cords but in light blue. I still have a weakness for trainers though and at my age I can still get away with a pair of stan smiths as long as its with a nice shirt and a pair of chino's. Im not quite at the elastic band trousers yet (unless its around the house) and as Bob Mortimer said the elastic waistband man is a happy man!
  6. It cost the UK £250 million to turn off the wind turbines in the last 2 months as the grid cant handle the energy being created, you couldnt make it up.
  7. Had my midlife crisis moment a few years back bought a pair of electric blue Adidas Gazelle's, Fila track suit top and Lois cords thought I looked the bollocks until I saw the picture my misses took and I looked like one of the pictures with the wrong head superimposed on the wrong body. Took it all off and its been in the wardrobe ever since
  8. Trump just addressed congress, smashed it out the park again.
  9. Still buy the odd thing off here when Im having a "moment" more for nostalgia than anything 80’s Casual Classics: 80s Casuals, Fila Vintage, Sergio Tacchini, Adidas Originals, Ellesse, Pretty Green. My brother ran the skins UK website for a number of years. I went to one of the get togethers in Bristol and I was surprised how much clothes were part of the scene with skins I thought it was just doc martins,fred perry, braces and jeans but they were right into their fashion.
  10. Mission Accomplished for Trump Id say
  11. Ssssshhhh dont tell Greb that he will claim its just a red herring
  12. Nope I'm saying its a red herring.
  13. No come on what is it, one minute the USA aren't funding it properly in which case we don't really need them meaning the EU goes it alone continuing funding a war that cant be won whilst thousands more die or we need the USA for security and a possible peace deal?
  14. Red Herring that graph mate. No problem if the USA pull out then wont effect us too much !
  15. Its all connected, do you view everything you don't agree with as a Red Herring ?
  16. I think hes been very clever. Russia will not allow Nato troops in Ukraine end of, Trump moves USA "workers" in to mine the metals, Russia cannot step a foot on that soil. A USA backstop in all intents and purposes.
  17. Starmer has publicly said he prefers Davos over Westminster, crazy the UK prime minster can say that and the country accepts it.
  18. Trump talks about peace and wants a resolution to the war, the EU want to continue funding a war that cant be won and are constantly using aggressive language. Amazing how people view things differently.
  19. Personally I would prefer we spent some of the £13 billion we have given to Ukraine on our homeland defence fighting against the enemy that is here and has actually caused us harm and still is, than against one that hasn't caused us direct harm and is over 3000 miles away.
  20. How many Russian terrorist attacks in Germany since 2010 do you think ? Terrorism in Germany: Past terror attacks and plots | World | News | Express.co.uk Or lets try the UK Terror in the UK: Timeline of attacks | UK News | Sky News
  21. And whilst Europe is falling over itself to defend against Putin and those horrible Russians another car drives into a crowd in Germany. Odds on it being a Russian driver ?
  22. Brilliant, bet the left are spitting feathers didnt stand up to Trump and so far up his arse it was embarrassing. I detest Starmer with a vengeance but would have had more respect if he would have stuck by his convictions even though I dont agree with them. Pathetic little weasel!
  23. Mississippi Burning what a film and what a performance rip
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