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R10 shot

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Everything posted by R10 shot

  1. ok thanks everyone you have helped alot iv split them both up now so il leave it like that for a few months thanks again
  2. will that mean they can not go back together again ??
  3. Hi all for taking a look at my problem. Right i have 2 male polecats around 14month old and are both brothers got them at 6 week old and never had any problem with them before ((UNTILL)) last week i was out tending the land and all of a sudden a loud screaming coming from the hutch!!! so i walked over as i fort maybe one had caught his paw in the mesh. but as i looked in the hutch the smaller of the 2 was locked on the the other ones ear !!! so i broke them up thinking it was over the meat. but later that day i heard it again and its still going on! its always the smallest and the other ones
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