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Everything posted by BOLSTER

  1. Just bought my epiletic brother a strobe light for Christmas, hes gonna have a f***ing fit when he see's it!... I was at a charity music gig the other night and a band came on wearing Teddy Boy outfits and exploded. I think it was Jihaddywaddy. The wife said she'd perform a striptease for me, if I gave her just a single square of my chocolate. Thank f**k it's a Toblerone. Gave this girl my number last week, she said she'll call me when she gets home. I'm starting to think she's homeless... Even though my wife has put on some weight since we got married, she can still tou
  2. Fed once of a night before I go asleep . Keeps them quiet till morning & they pass it out while out for a walk.
  3. Got to Cull the Africans some how haven't they .
  4. Just had an insect fly into my Window and explode I think it was a Jihaddy longlegs ....

  5. Just bought a book on Self Motivation....can't be arsed to read it.

  6. Make sure alls well cleaned & you have fcuk all to worry about.
  7. What i'd expect from the thick fcuks ....................... just stand there & watch ffs .
  8. Seen the Vid but couldn't work out why they attacked the car ?
  9. Nice Terriers at the end, one looked like it had worked .............. & won.
  10. I'l have a flute like King kong the way this Deer is going down.

  11. Wirey you ask loads of questions.
  12. Oscar Pistorious goes into trial without a Leg to stand on .................................... And Walks
  13. Was like it when you bought it off ........... ''John Smith'' !
  14. how does it kill cancer cells as claimed,???? It opens up your CBD receptors in your body what then starts attack mutating cells.
  15. Will not work mate has to be from the Female Marijuana plant .
  16. Hash oil look at the Vid iv put up ,
  17. That's talking about ''Hemp Seed'' oil . the hemp oil from the plant is a much more powerful healer .
  18. Yes covered it with butter than just watched , its also a Antibiotic,relaxant,pain killer .
  19. Cask Whiskey Neat all the Way .
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