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Everything posted by BOLSTER

  1. Juggler's of the World are rubbing there hand's together at it .
  2. Best result's hearing young terrier's work had it last week with mine.Nice big fox as wel .
  3. Never to young to learn .Choose Earth's wisely with first season terrier's & make sure the terriers ''Rewarded'' for his work. Like any sport start of small & increase as you go a long.
  4. Wont be changing a thing new year people.Still couldn't give a Fucck !

  5. Fuccking ritt off with some sort of virus for Xmas . talk about judas.

  6. If there isn't a complainant then tell them to go away. Simple.
  7. William Hague was in charge of the Wales childs home nonce inquiry 1992 i think ?and after finding out it was half of Maggie thatchers people that was involved he shut it down.
  8. Politicians are liars so cant be trusted . This goes on & on & on & its all just starting to come out now because the main men involved are dead . Get your children clued up & never let them out your sight until they can defend themselfs . Krays are Nonces as wel had there hand in politicians pockets for years list goes on & on . Cliff Richard is a raving gay slag Nonce.
  9. Worked both & the Barryvox pulse is spot on everytime & better movement indication [better im my opinion]. Think it only goes 40 meters though.
  10. Dogs that hunt Foxes Dens i suppose ?
  11. Be carefull exposing your positions. Good luck for the Hunt.
  12. Was the closest thing to a Dog wound hahah
  13. Video of some African mans foot infected with Diggers/Jiggers worm types maggot things? they use the Hydrogen Proxide on it at 3.29 & you can see it bubble up & kill all Germs /Living things . makes it clean as a Whistle afterwards
  14. Great stuff . Froths out all the dirt making it heal faster. iv used 3% on myself ''In each Ear'' when iv first started to feel un well & been better the next day. ''Recomended by a Doctor'' !
  15. Came out my front door & saw my pakistani neighbour shaking a rug outside his house so I shouted over to him "wots the matter Abdul, wont it f***ing start"?!

  16. My Dyslexic mate has just turned his cock black...

  17. Police officers are a bunch of c**ts but this man should of been Shot in the face.
  18. ''Iridology eye Doctors'' are the one's you want to visit. My Doc works with Natural herbs on what ever the Eye is telling him, were all different . Best iv ever seen in my life & would recommend you all go and see one.
  19. Only read a few comments but the first thing is to go Pike fishing with someone who knows what he's doing & learn.
  20. A diet high in laetriles ''B17'' & Alkaline will keep the immune system working full power to keep away Cancer. stay away from refined Sugars/Foods,the main feeders of Cancer. & if you or your family fall to Cancer get them on the Hemp oil from a Indica strian.
  21. My pal just come back from Africa & he cant stop buying raffle tickets................ Think he's got Tombola.
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