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Everything posted by BOLSTER


    Day #4

    Cracking picture's ! you must of gone through some shot's to get those Good luck through the season
  2. Imagine if a ''Yank'' had been passing in his Apache :icon_eek:
  3. Tool reduction at 2 o'clock !

    1. BOLSTER


      Well all went well,only hits me knees now when walking !

    2. PIL


      LOL - I'll ask your lass :)

    3. "Earth!"


      no need PIL, hes on here..

    4. Show next comments  123 more
  4. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahhahaah :laugh: :laugh:
  5. Why is there a GAYLORD on every basstard channel ?

    1. RossM


      It's not a telly, it's a mirror... GAYLORD!! lol

    2. Kay
    3. nothernlite


      you watch alot of soaps

  6. What a shame ! ..............................................ive already had the jokes coming through txt already
  7. The whole GB set up has gone fcuking nuts
  8. Paralympic update. 4 dead in the epileptic clay pigeon shooting competition lol

  9. That´s most probably the best picture ive seen on here Jigs
  10. With respect how much are these ? my Mother wants a new fluffy dog
  11. Not saying my wife's an ugly trout with a vadge thats just fell clean out but.....her DILDO HAS JUST LEFT A SUICIDE NOTE lol

    1. Buster321c


      Bit much dont you think ?


    2. BOLSTER


      For her love weapon ?

    3. chris k
  12. Hahahaha & dont forget the out standing riot/looting charges for them
  13. Have they FOOK ................its just been seen charging towards a group of ''West Africans screaming PAY BACK'' you bunch of RACK RASTARDS !
  14. :icon_eek: Imagine the old bill had them
  15. Why dont they just try the ''Tapping the Cat food tin trick''
  16. where any of her off sping's any good tho All of her off spring worked bar the ''Half breed'' wonder why ?
  17. My pal used to take his ''Fat wife'' out with him .....................all he had to do was point at the earth & she would ''settle her huge ass over the entrance & FART as loud as she could'' ! 95% Annihilation She worked 8 season's & never once let him down !
  18. 1, Ambush the walker with a ''Dead fox'' while dressed as a Patterdale. 2, Walk the 13 year old Flabrador to the biggest hill & roll it down,if its still alive at the bottom then keep it. 3,If none of them work pts the both & dress up like your patterdale & get a ''Free steak'' every day off the old woman down the rd.
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