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Everything posted by BOLSTER

  1. ''Jimmy Saville fox whistles'' for sale ......

  2. Thats older than ''Jimmy Saville's hair do'' !!
  3. Stupid dumb bitch needs a good bumming
  4. Parson terrier is a longer legged Russell ! this one of a pal works well in a ''Earth'',had some good days out with her Couple of fox bolted on this occasion even though she looks like she's just jumped out the bath.
  5. Got my Halloween costume sorted.Im gonna wear a blonde wig,cigar &a track suit,that should scare the fcukers lol

  6. Was just about to do the same topic. bad news !
  7. Cant wait till later on..................

    1. PIL


      I can see "incoming" to Duncan . LOL

    2. Lab


      f**k off Duncan.....lol

    3. BOLSTER


      Well all went well....................had a full on facesitting session with some 48 year old bbw !

    4. Show next comments  99 more
  8. Me and my Mom back in the day some great memories
  9. Like watching a animal getting chased across the ''African plains'' :laugh:
  10. 3 Rods out & not a ba....d bite !

    1. christian71


      Live gold fish needed bolst


    2. BOLSTER


      Hahaha nail on the head there Christian71

  11. Big ''Baton'' across the head
  12. :icon_eek: :icon_eek: I laughed so much i spunked in my pants
  13. A pal of mine on ''facebook'' has had his account deleted for putting pictures up of ''Nonce'll Fix it''. they hacked one of his friends account first & asked if he could take the pictures down because it offended him he phoned his pal saying whats this message all about & his pal laughed & said he didn't know fcuk all about the message ,the dirty f*****g shit heads who run facebook are the same dirt bags that ''Harboured the dirty nonce for over 40 years'' !!
  14. When ''Nonce'll Fix it'' was at large ? :laugh:
  15. Hahahahahahahahahahahaahhahahaha the ''NONCE MASTER'' :notworthy:
  16. Is leathering his ''Dust cap'' while watching ''Nonce'll Fix it '' !!

    1. PIL


      Is earth with you .lol

    2. BOLSTER


      Nah his to old

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