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Everything posted by BOLSTER

  1. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahah FCUKKKKKKKKKKKK MEEEEEEEEE hahahahahahahahahahahahaha
  2. Read this please........................................................................................ Legit as Fcuk ! While the Buraq is almost always portrayed with a human face in far-eastern and Persian art, no Hadiths or early Islamic references allude to it having a humanoid face. This, which found its way into Indian and Persian Islamic art, may have been influenced by a misrepresentation or translation from Arabic to Persian of texts and stories describing the winged steed as a "... beautiful faced creature." An excerpt from a translation of Sahih al-Bukhari describes Al-Bura
  3. Might be worth getting a few pics up as well, wish you all the luck getting them back.
  4. Foolish women , wonder what she'll think of the cull when she's doing her porridge with ''Queen B'' for a 5 stretch
  5. Blah blah blah i'd still be up for a ''Face sitting/Fart'' session with her any day
  6. Just be careful what you post people, the Anti hunt brigade will have your face all over the ''Globe'', could be an interesting thread if people use the Heads !
  7. Just beat the fcuking life out of the Anti's & smash there equipment to pieces.


    KILL the NONCES problem solved.
  9. ''Anal Glanding'',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Arse is in Rag order !
  10. Only one thing i need ?.....................................
  11. Iv the local Iranian immigrant ''Sex case Caged'' here who's up for stud ................................ Got a good glossy beard on him but a bit light in the bone structure ?
  12. Who gives a Fcuk ! About some ''Sooty's'' ! ! !
  13. This rain has got to get Mr Red going to ground.

    1. Lab


      So....someone told me your dogs are f*****g useless anyway..lol.;-)

    2. BOLSTER


      That one is no longer with me, she's licking her fanny & eating custard creams all day.


  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4QRSdEFdRkU
  15. One of my Favorites always has me in bits when things are rough. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2WSyJgydTsA
  16. Here he is, & as mentioned he was dying from Liver cancer & could of been Fixed if he had the op.but instead he said ''Nah mate iv had my life, give it to a young buck to have his'' hahahahaha, That deserves a Medal from me ! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4QRSdEFdRkU
  17. Excellent news good luck for the seasons coming, iv a Dog here myself ready to go showing good signs.
  18. Nice one. where does the Black come from ? dont know F... all about deers lol
  19. We had the same with ours & found out that the Extractor fan wasn't linked up to an outlet pipe, just sent it through the ceiling , sorted it & now there's no smells !
  20. The Barryvox pulse would be my choice if i got another, have a look at this clip. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CgN_U4xKTCA
  21. Europe's Muslim Emperors , cant wait to see my Ancestor tatics

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