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Everything posted by BOLSTER

  1. Bar staff wanted in Glasgow, must be able to work on a rotor !

    1. R.A.W


      lol . I was wondering how long It would take.

    2. scothunter


      better watch 16yr old was rrested today for cracking jokes about it on fb

    3. BOLSTER


      Fcuk me the world has gone mad. good luck all.

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  2. Sounds like you've up set someone
  3. Crazy old World we live in , good luck to you all
  4. And after all that hard work he puts in he goes & ruins himself by ''Jacking'' on interview , what a shame
  5. Volley its head off with my size 12 if it come within striking distance.
  6. Nonce watch on a 9 o'clock people , don't have nightmares !

  7. Big enough for your Terrier to fit in it comfy.
  8. Out of about 8 holes i had one bolt right in front of me when i was sitting at the hole ........................ it got away
  9. Pal had a all rounder of a Russell Bitch on what you've mentioned, dug fox to her plenty of times, she's now running around Sheep country taking care of Foxes in Wales.
  10. Earth will definitely already have her on speed dial
  11. More than likely get yourself a locator & receiver box.
  12. And its only about £3 as well happy days !
  13. Fairy washing up bottle ''Full'' of neat Ammonia will have them screaming like Jimmy Saville has attacked there Anus back in the 70's
  14. Fcuking Dogs !

    1. stabba


      yes..it was inserted up bolsters arse at the time lol

    2. BOLSTER


      Hahahaha no no just this little fcuker hasn't gone good today !



      That congo dog? Looked a tidy pup aswell, just the way it goes eh.

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    Chavy Scum

    If his a naughty little Indian sex case who cant help himself touching young girls diddies then he deserves a slap around the face.
  16. Excellent work , hope he goes strong throughout his lifetime in the field, good luck
  17. Ha ha its not shite mate its of the trees ..................... i think
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