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Everything posted by Frann

  1. Green Beret vs SAS Rambo for the win !! lol
  2. Frann


    I like tattoos myself but I saw a guy on a subway once with a tattooed green face Just plain green, no dragon design or anything. Must have been Hulk fan lol
  3. Frann


    Its all changed with tattooists nowadays. Back when I was getting them in the early 90s you could just turn up and get inked straight, now they are popular you have to book in advance. Some months in advance.
  4. The Porridge film was good too! When they escape accidently
  5. Welsh Game Fair t Carmarthen Showground this saturday & sunday

    1. Tiercel


      I'll be there Sunday.

    2. Tiercel


      Just checked the weather and changed my mind lol

    3. Frann
    4. Show next comments  171 more
  6. Frann


    Not got any myself but I love tattoo threads and seeing others tatts so be interesting seeing some good ink of dogs Edit to say I have plenty of tattoos but none of dogs.
  7. Aye there are some right cretins on that Facebook page. Ive reported it but Facebook seem slow as fook in doing anything.
  8. f**k more motorways, we've already got the M4, what more do you want..? lol
  9. Heading over the shire into Pembs!

    1. Malt


      I used to live there up until about 3 years ago. Great place to visit, not all that great to live there though!

    2. Frann


      Its certainly changed over the years. But like you said, one of the jewels of Wales to visit.

    3. Malt


      Where about do you live mate? I like it down at Llansteffan, anywhere near you? I try to get down there every now and again for a few hours with the family, love the place!

    4. Show next comments  171 more
  10. I got the feeling he was spinning a few exaggerated yarns too. Having said that, there is a menace about him in interviews. He certainly creeps me out more than any other infamous villain
  11. And look at her grinning in that pic in the link
  12. Ive got a feeling I have but didn't know it t the time. Name escapes me at the minute but isn't there a member here who regularly sells duck eggs down the market at Carmarthen showground? Sure someone mentioned they did? Anyway I always buy eggs off him.
  13. Another scorcher!

  14. its 22 degrees on Burry Port beach. Need beers!

    1. walshie


      What temperature would it have to be for you NOT to need beers? lol

    2. Frann


      lol in the cold I prefer scotch lol

    3. walshie


      Can't say fairer than that.

  15. Fishing over Worm's Head, beer and more beer. Oh and the Lions match on Saturday. And then more beer.
  16. Frann


    My friend Dr Burnorium sums up the WHY of eating hot sauce: OK, I admit it. I'm addicted to hot sauces and fiery foods. I add some kind of chilli, whether it be hot sauce, dry spice or fresh peppers, to every single meal I eat. ... I sometimes get a sideways glance from Mrs Burnorium when I sprinkle Dave's Insanity Spice on my Sunday lunch but she knows, to me, food without fire is just plain boring. There's good reason for this and, for those of us who enjoy eating fiery foods, the reason is obvious. It makes us feel better. If you'll just allow me a Stephen Fry moment I'll try and explain
  17. Frann


    I love hot chilli sauces (see my avatar) Im currently working up to the 1 million Scoville extract sauce having finished Blairs Mega and Ultra Death sauces (which were 5550,000 and 800,000 Scovilles in heat . They make Phaal curry look like infant food. Love it!
  18. Frann

    Scummy Fcuks

    "In some schools they are not having easter celebrations or christmas celebrations in case it offends the muslim kids ffs" This boils my pizz too, this is Great Britain, if our Christian celebrations offend you perhaps you don't belong here? I have zero problem with those who want to embrace our culture and tradition by the way but if Christmas really does offend you, bog off.
  19. Had one in my kitchen earlier, ive seen quite a few these last few weeks. Not seen many butterflies though
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