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Everything posted by Frann

  1. Welcome back. Frightening when you think of how fast we've come to rely on the web. Think im the worse, I get the shakes when im offline lol
  2. You got a point there Walshie; say im walking past a muzzie eating a pack of pork scratchings (and im addicted to those ) can he or she go running off complaining to someone because ive cause offense? Looking at this original story we are definitely heading down this road. Worrying!
  3. Moors murderer Ian Brady has dismissed the brutal torture and murder of five children he abducted as “petty” crimes, a tribunal into his mental state heard today. The sadistic child killer claimed his offences were nothing compared to those committed by “politicians and soldiers in wars”. Child murder petty?
  4. Judge is reviewing the sentence now after everyone rightly said its too low.
  5. The fact that Brady wants to die tells me he should be kept alive because if he suffered until he was well into his hundreds? He still wouldn't have suffered enough.
  6. Tommy was spot on earlier on LBC

  7. http://www.lbc.co.uk/tommy-robinson-admits-edl-has-racist-members-73580
  8. Agree Walshie mate, I would say exactly the same sh!te back to him. You happen to be in BRITAIN not Asia or India, dislike us so much f**k out of it
  9. FREE entry for fathers into my Twitter friends, National Botanic Garden of Wales today

  10. Last day of Welsh Game fain in Carmarthen. And its tipping down :(

    1. THLpatrick


      My uncle lives there. Money on it you no him

  11. According to that 'paragon of virtue' The Sun today, Cregan came home from Spain because he ran out of money to pay Russian mobsters for protection abroad.
  12. Yep stick a max bid on. If im outbid on my maximum offer the other buyer is welcome to it because it went over what I was willing to pay. What makes me mad on evilbay is folks putting stuff on for auction then withdrawing it when they don't get what they wanted. FFS put it on Buy It Now I put a few Dreamcasts (videogame console) up a few months ago and let them go for under a fiver, I expected more but good on the buyer, they had a bargain from me. My fault, I should have put them on a Buy It Now. But I would never be a c**t and withdraw the auction at the last minute because it wasn't going
  13. Exactly Malt, does this religion tell them to be offended by the mere mention of bacon? I despair of where we're heading, I really do .
  14. FFS over the top in my opinion I lost out on dream job because I mentioned bacon: Contractor axed from £1,000-a-week IT role for... http://dailym.ai/17NV0UY
  15. The Last Of Us on PS3 is EPIC

  16. Agree with Malt, Photobucket is the way for posting forum pics
  17. We lost stadium looking good for this Lions game. Come on Lions !
  18. "It's a great honour to be here next to guys like Pantera" - Brian 'badger' May. Only at the Kerrang Awards now
  19. Bring those beauts to Wales mun
  20. You'll hear from some its more expensive to give them a death sentence. Not my way it wouldn't
  21. Good question. Id execute all murderers.
  22. America executed two inmates last night, one for the murder of a firefighter. Automatic death sentence in Texas for killing a uniform. I like that.
  23. First thing I thought of was Pet Cemetary "The dog came back but it weren't the dog I knew....it had....changed...gone bad."
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